Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Chemical Engineering

  • ENCH 610 - Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

    Advanced application of the general thermodynamic methods to chemical engineering problems. First- and second-law consequences, estimation and correlation of thermodynamic properties, phase and chemical reaction equilibria.
  • ENCH 620 - Methods of Engineering Analysis

    Application of selected mathematical techniques to the analysis and solution of engineering problems; included are the applications of matrices; vectors; tensors; ordinary and partial differential equations; integral transforms and probability methods to such problems as unsteady heat transfer, transient phenomena in mass-transfer operations, stagewise processes, chemical reactors and bioreactor operations.
    Course ID: 053857
    Components: Lecture
    Grading Method: R, P/F
  • ENCH 630 - Transport Phenomena

    Heat, mass and momentum transfer theory from the viewpoint of the basic transport equations. Steady and unsteady state, laminar and turbulent flow, boundary layer theory and mechanics of turbulent transport, with specific application to complex chemical engineering situations.
  • ENCH 640 - Advanced Chemical Reaction Kinetics

    The theory and application of chemical reaction kinetics to reactor design. Reaction rate theory, homogeneous batch and flow reactors, fundamentals of catalysis, microbial growth kinetics and enzyme kinetics.
  • ENCH 642 - Chemical Engineering Systems Analysis

    Dynamic response applied to process systems. Goal and modes of control, LaPlace transformations, analysis and synthesis of simple control systems, closed-loop response and dynamic testing.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 300, ENCH 425 and MATH 325.

    Corequisite: ENCH 427 and ENCH 440.

  • ENCH 648 - Special Problems in Chemical Engineering

  • ENCH 650 - Chemical Process Development

    Chemical process industries from the standpoint of technology, raw materials, products and processing equipment. Operations of major chemical processes and industries combined with quantitative analysis of process requirements and yields.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 427, ENCH 440.
  • ENCH 654 - Chemical Process Analysis and Optimization

    Applications of mathematical models to the analysis and optimization of chemical processes. Models based on transport, chemical kinetics and other chemical engineering principles will be employed. Emphasis on evaluation of process alternatives.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 440 and ENCH 427.
  • ENCH 659 - Statistical Design of Experiments

    This course introduces the basic concepts which underlie modern statistically designed experimental programs. The methods taught in this course allow the experimenter to discriminate between real effects (those caused by changes in controlled variables) and experimental error in systems which are inherently noisy. Statistically designed experimental programs typically test many variables simultaneously, and are very efficient tools for developing empirical mathematical models which accurately describe physical and chemical processes. They are readily applied to production plant, pilot plant and laboratory systems, and should be a part of every practicing engineer’s repertoire. At the end of this course, the student will be able to select an appropriate experimental design for the problem at hand, to set up, conduct and analyze the results of statistically designed experiments, and to understand the statistical basis for these techniques.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 427 and ENCH 440.
  • ENCH 660 - Regulatory Issues in Biotechnology

    Provides a comprehensive coverage of all steps involved with the regulatory approval process for a biotechnology-derived product. Documentation preparation for IND, NDA, BLA. Pre-clinical safety data, clinical studies, facilities inspection and scientific and regulatory principles.
  • ENCH 662 - Good Manufacturing Practices for Bioprocesses

    In-depth coverage of the development and implementation of good manufacturing practices (GMPs) in the biotech industry. Topics include building and facilities, equipment design, utilities, in-process controls, records and adequate process validation.
  • ENCH 664 - Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Biotechnology Products

    In-depth coverage of the key issues associated with adequate quality-control systems, assays and stability for novel biotechnology products: quality concepts, product release testing and specifications, in-process testing, product characterization, qualityassurance documentation and audits and vendor certification.
  • ENCH 666 - Biotechnology GMP Facility Design, Construction and Validation

    Presents an in-depth discussion of the engineering design of a biotech facility under GMP compliance. Topics covered include bulk plant design, process equipment design, utilities, instrumentation, controls and computerization, facility and software validation.
  • ENCH 682 - Biochemical Engineering

    Introduction to biochemical and microbiological applications for commercial and engineering processes, including industrial fermentation, enzymology, ultrafiltration, food and pharmaceutical processing and resulting waste treatment. Enzyme kinetics, cell growth, energetics and mass transfer.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 427 and ENCH 440.
  • ENCH 686 - A Survey of Sensors and Instrumentation

    This course will provide a broad overview of sensors and instrumentation used in a number of applications. Starting with basic definitions, the course will move on to various principles (physical, chemical and biological) used to sense a variety of parameters. A simple sensor will be constructed during the course to provide hands-on experience in sensor design.
  • ENCH 693 - Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

    Application of engineering analysis to biomedical issues including drug delivery, biomaterials, tissue engineering receptor mediated processes, cardiovascular mechanics, physiological mass transfer and biomedical device design.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 427 and ENCH 440.
  • ENCH 720 - Process Analysis and Simulation

    Development of mathematical models of chemical processes based on transport phenomena, chemical kinetics and other chemical engineering methods. Emphasis on principles of model building and simulation using mathematical solutions and computer methods.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 630 .
  • ENCH 730 - Bioseparations

    Introduction to biotechnology separation problems: physico-chemical properties of biomolecules, characterization of biological fluids and bioseparation processes, cell disruption, membrane processes, centrifugation, chromatography, precipitation and crystallization and protein folding/refolding.
  • ENCH 735 - Chemical Process Dynamics

    Analysis of open and closed control loops and their elements, dynamic response of processes, choice of variables and linkages, dynamic testing and synthesis, noise and drift, chemical process systems analysis and strategies for optimum operation.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Differential equations or consent of instructor.
  • ENCH 737 - Chemical Process Optimization

    Techniques of modern optimization theory as applied to chemical engineering problems. Optimization of single- and multi-variable systems with or without constraints. Application of partial optimization techniques to complex chemical engineering processes.
  • ENCH 761 - Enzyme Engineering

    Enzyme science and kinetics: principles of enzyme insolubilization and denaturation with application to design, operation and modeling of enzyme reactors. The relationship between mass transfer and apparent kinetics in enzyme systems and techniques of separation and purification of enzymes.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 640 .
  • ENCH 762 - Advanced Biochemical Engineering

    Advanced topics to include use of a digital computer for mathematical modeling of the dynamics of biological systems; separation techniques for heat-sensitive, biologically active materials; and transport phenomena in biological systems.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 682  or consent of instructor.
  • ENCH 764 - Bio-Energetics

    Analysis of energetic processes based on elements of thermodynamics and kinetics. A background in biochemistry, thermodynamics and physical chemistry is desirable. Topics will be covered briefly by instructor, followed by in-depth discussion and student-led presentations.
    Note:This is an advanced graduate-level course.
  • ENCH 766 - Tissue Engineering

    Applications of the principles of chemical engineering and biological science to the understanding and production of tissue systems of biomedical interest.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • ENCH 768 - Protein Engineering

    The basic elements of how proteins are produced, modified and characterized.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 482, basic biochemistry or consent of instructor.
  • ENCH 772 - Advanced Biochemical Engineering: Upstream Processes

    Upstream bioprocesses engineering will be discussed from both an academic and industrial perspective. Topics covered will include bioreactor theory and operation, mixing and hydrodynamics, fermentation broth rheology, mathematical modeling of cell systems and metabolic engineering.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 482 or consent of instructor.
  • ENCH 799 - Master’s Thesis Research

    Master’s thesis research under the direction of a faculty member.
    Note: Six credit hours are required for the M.A.
  • ENCH 818 - Advanced Topics in Thermodynamics

    Advanced topics in thermodynamics of interest to the instructor and students are covered. Possible topics include statistical thermodynamics, solution theory, highpressure phenomena, non-equilibrium thermodynamics and complex reaction equilibria.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 610  or consent of instructor.
  • ENCH 828 - Advanced Topics in Chemical Reaction Systems

    Design and analysis of complex industrial reactors. Catalytic reactions, polymerizations and biochemical reactions. Modeling and dynamics of continuous processes, reactor optimization and physico-chemical phenomena in multi-component heterogeneous reaction systems.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 640  or consent of instructor.
  • ENCH 838 - Advanced Topics in Transfer Theory

    Selected topics are covered. Possible topics include turbulence, mixing, multi-phase flow, non-Newtonian phenomena and mass transfer.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENCH 630  or consent of instructor.
  • ENCH 848 - Advanced Topics in Separation Processes

    Industrial importance of separation processes. Physical principles for separation, liquid/ liquid separations versus distillation, extractive distillation, absorption stripper systems, membrane separations, ultracentrifugation, electrophoresis, large-scale chromatography, molecular sieves and pressure swing adsorption, synthesis of alternative separation schemes, trade-off and optimization.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • ENCH 898 - Pre-Candidacy Doctoral Research

    Research on the doctoral dissertation conducted under the direction of a faculty advisor before candidacy.
  • ENCH 899 - Doctoral Dissertation Research

    Research on doctoral dissertation is conducted under direction of faculty advisor.
    Prerequisite: Admission to Doctoral Candidacy Required
    Note: A minimum of 18 credit hours are required. This course is repeatable.
  • ENCH 7700 - Master’s Special Study



  • CHEM 401 - Chemical and Statistical Thermodynamics

    Intended for first-year graduate students and advanced undergraduates, this course is a treatment of chemical and statistical thermodynamics at a more sophisticated level than that encountered in CHEM 301/302. Emphasis is placed on the use of thermodynamic data available in the chemical literature and experimental methods of obtaining these data. (Spring) Prerequisite: CHEM 302.
  • CHEM 405 - Inorganic Chemistry

    Basic theoretical concepts of inorganic chemistry, including a study of the periodic table, its elements, and their physical and chemical properties. Several theories of bonding are discussed, as well as the mechanisms of inorganic reactions, coordination chemistry and the chemistry of transition metals. (Fall) Prerequisite: CHEM 302.
  • CHEM 410 - Quantum Chemistry

    Introduction to the principles of quantum mechanics and their application to chemical systems. The postulatory basis of quantum mechanics; approximate methods; vibrational, rotational, electronic, nuclear magnetic and electron spin spectroscopy; atomic structure; the chemical bond; valence bond and molecular orbital theory. Prerequisite: CHEM 302.
  • CHEM 437 - Comprehensive Biochemistry I

    The first semester of a two-semester sequence providing a thorough introduction to modern biochemical principles. Major topics include enzyme kinetics and structures and the properties of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids.
    When Offered: (Fall)
    Prerequisite: BIOL 100 and CHEM 352 or equivalent.
  • CHEM 437L - Biochemistry Laboratory

    Modern methods of biochemical research. Laboratory experiments are designed to provide experience in working with biologically active materials and familiarity with standard biochemical techniques. These include spectrophotometry; chromatography; isotope tracer techniques; ultra-centrifugation; enzyme kinetics; isolation, purification and characterization of proteins; nucleic acids and subcellular organelles. Two laboratory sessions per week.
    When Offered: (Fall)
    Prerequisite: CHEM 352L.
    Corequisite: CHEM 437 and consent of the instructor.
  • CHEM 600 - Advanced Laboratory Projects

    This course is intended primarily for students selecting the non-thesis option for the M.S. degree. Students will be assigned individually supervised laboratory projects designed to increase familiarity with modern experimental techniques in chemistry.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
    Note: In most cases, a single project will be undertaken during any given semester. A detailed account of work completed will be required.
  • CHEM 601 - Current Topics in Chemistry

    A discussion of specialized topics in rapidly evolving areas of chemistry. The format of the course will be tutorial and may include varied topics such as applications of mass spectrometry in biochemistry and pharmacology or advanced NMR techniques.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
    Grading Method: R
  • CHEM 602 - Introduction to Laboratory Research

    The purpose of this course is to familiarize graduate students with the different areas of research within the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, to expand their knowledge of experimental techniques and to provide the basis for a more informed selection of an advisor for thesis research.
    Note: For the joint biochemistry program, a student enrolling in the course will work for periods of about six weeks in the laboratories of three faculty members, at least one of whom should be engaged in an area of research different from the student’s preferred area of specialization.
  • CHEM 605 - Inorganic Chemistry

    The focus of this course is on structure, bonding, and reactivity of non-organic compounds with an emphasis on transition metals. This course will apply various aspects of physical chemistry, explain some aspects of analytical chemistry and highlight some biochemistry and organic chemistry having to do with metallic elements. This course is focused on establishing a foundation for the physical basis of inorganic chemistry. In addition to learning these fundamentals, graduate students will be expected to perform a detailed special topic paper on a defined topic of their choosing from a list of topics.
    Course ID: 102313
    Prerequisite: CHEM 352: Organic Chemistry II
    Components: Lecture
    Grading Method: R
  • CHEM 605L - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

    The core skills that will be emphasized in the course are anaerobic synthesis and advanced characterization methods. These methods will be applied to inorganic complexes important in biological/medicinal inorganic chemistry amd nanomaterials. The course aims to combine traditional inorganic chemistry concepts/methods with areas of inorganic chemistry not typically covered in lower-level courses.
  • CHEM 606 - Bio-Inorganic Chemistry

    The functions of metals in biology and medicine are presented, with emphasis on the structural and catalytic properties of metal centers in metallo-proteins. Topics include catalysis, metallo-enzyme mechanisms, inorganic co-factors and co-enzymes and metal chemotherapeutic agents.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: CHEM 405 or consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 610 - Special Topics in Theoretical Chemistry

    Discussions of current approaches to problems in theoretical chemistry will be presented in the form of lectures and seminars. Topics to be discussed may include molecular orbital theory, statistical mechanics of non-ideal systems, cooperative systems, phase transitions and critical phenomena, non-equilibrium thermodynamics and rate theory, scattering theory and molecular spectra.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 611 - Chemical and Statistical Thermodynamics

    Designed for students who have already seen classical thermodynamics, equilibrium chemistry, spectroscopy and quantum mechanics in physical chemistry, this course bridges the fundamental aspects of thermodynamics and quantum chemistry. Thermodynamics is concerned mainly with the properties and actions of the bulk materials, while quantum chemistry looks in detail at individual atoms and molecules. Statistical thermodynamics brings these two different viewpoints together where the bulk material properties and actions are predicted from the properties of the microscopic atoms and molecules. Statistical thermodynamics provides a set of tools for modeling molecular behavior and how it is realized in the macroscopic realm. Most importantly, statistical thermodynamics gives a language for interpreting experiments. Chemicals react and rearrange. Fluids boil, freeze, and evaporate. Proteins fold. This course will study the forces that drive these (and other) processes. In addition to learning these fundamental principles, graduate students taking this course will perform a special project using the tools of statistical thermodynamics on a defined topic of their choosing.
    Course ID: 102319
    Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor
    Components: Lecture
    Grading Method: R
  • CHEM 615 - Statistical Mechanics and Theory of Rate Processes

    Introduction to statistical mechanics and theoretical aspects of absolute reaction rate theory. Statistical definition of entropy; compounding of systems; combinatorial problems; the methods of Gibbs; quantum statistics; partition functions; applications in equilibrium states of gases, solids and liquids; and partition formulation of the theory of absolute reaction rates.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 631 - Chemistry of Proteins

    An advanced treatment of the chemistry of proteins and protein-containing supramolecular structures. The topics include isolation and purification of proteins, structure of proteins and relation of structure to biological function.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisites: BIOL 430, CHEM 437 or equivalent and consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 632 - Advanced Biochemistry

    The topics presented would not normally be covered in any other biochemistry courses and may include an advanced treatment of enzyme kinetics, with emphasis upon two substrate systems, allosteric control mechanisms, replication and transcription, and the biochemistry of specialized tissues.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 633 - Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids

    A survey of nucleic acid structure and function, with emphasis on chemical aspects. Topics will include DNA and RNA structure, packaging of nucleic acids, chemical and physical properties of nucleic acids, proteins and enzymes of DNA replication, fidelity of nucleic acid synthesis, biochemistry of DNA recombination, enzymology of transcription and RNA processing.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 635 - Biochemistry of Complex Carbohydrates

    This course will address the structure and function of the carbohydrates of glycoproteins, glycolipids, proteoglycans and bacterial polysaccharides. Topics also will include carbohydrates as informational macromolecules and decoding by lectins, biosynthesis, structure, engineering of glycoproteins, bacterial adhesion and virulence and tumor antigens.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: CHEM 437 or equivalent.
  • CHEM 638 - Comprehensive Biochemistry II

    The student will be required to attend the undergraduate lecture course in biochemistry (CHEM 438: Comprehensive Biochemistry), which covers metabolic pathways and selected topics in nucleic acid and membrane biochemistry. In addition, the student will be assigned reading in the research literature in one or more of the above areas and be required to present a seminar or write a paper based on this reading.
    Note: This course is intended primarily for first-year graduate students who have completed CHEM 437: Comprehensive Biochemistry I.
  • CHEM 640 - Special Topics in Molecular Structure

    Discussions of the major physical methods for determining of molecular structure will be presented. Emphasis will be placed on the application of theoretical principles to experimental problems and to computational methods required for interpretation of data. Topics discussed may include X-ray, electron and neutron scattering, molecular spectroscopy (infrared, ultraviolet and microwave), nuclear magnetic and electron spin resonance, dipole moment determination and dielectric relaxation.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 641 - Physical Chemistry of Macro-molecules

    Introductory course with emphasis placed on developing broad general concepts applicable to the study of all types of macro-molecules, e.g. synthetic and biological. Topics considered include determination of molecular weight distributions, and conformational properties of high polymers; thermodynamics; and transport properties of polymersolutions, polyelectrolytes and polymerization processes. Techniques such as sedimentation analysis, light scattering, osmometry and viscometry will be discussed.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 642 - Physical Biochemistry

    Structural determination of proteins and nucleic acids in the solid state and in solution. Transitions between and stability of secondary and tertiary structure. Ligand binding and association processes. Interpretation of spectra, titration curves, multi-component equilibria, hydrodynamic properties and fluorescence polarization.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisites: CHEM 437 or equivalents.
  • CHEM 643 - Molecular Spectroscopy and Biopolymers

    Team-taught course covering theory and applications of advanced spectroscopic techniques used to study the structure and function of bio-macro-molecules (polysaccharides, DNA, co-enzymes and co-factors). Aspects of modem Fourier transform NMR, including one- and two-dimensional methods (COSY, NOESY and HOHAHA) will be presented. Principles of mass spectrometry and examples of the potential, limitations and applications of electron impact; desorption ionization, high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry; and interfaced chromatography/mass spectrometry will be discussed. Theory and applications of other spectroscopic techniques, including molecular vibrational (Raman, resonance Raman and infrared), electron spin resonance (ESR) and laser fluorescence spectroscopies also will be presented.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 644 - Molecular Modeling

    Survey of theoretical methods for simulation of biopolymer conformation. Force fields, energy maps, energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulation. Influence of solvents. Applications to proteins, nucleic acids, etc. Laboratory section will emphasize practical calculations on biopolymers and use of databases of structural biochemistry.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: CHEM 437 or equivalent or consent of the instructor.
  • CHEM 650 - Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds

    An in-depth survey of the properties, reactions and synthesis of heterocyclic compounds containing the heteroatoms of oxygen, sulfur and/or nitrogen. The course will consist of lectures based on readings from monographs and current literature.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 651 - Mechanisms of Organic Reactions

    Advanced general treatment of the study of organic reaction mechanisms, with emphasis on developing of broad principles governing various organic reactions. Description of metastable intermediates, such as carbonium ions, carbanions, carbenes and free radicals; kinetic effects in relation to structure; conformational analysis and stereochemistry.
  • CHEM 652 - Physical Organic Chemistry

    Introduction to theoretical aspects of organic chemistry. Molecular orbital approximations, linear free-energy relationships, general theory of acid-base catalysis, medium effects and isotope effects.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisites: CHEM 451 and consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 653 - Organic Chemistry of Nucleic Acids

    A survey of organic chemical principles governing structure, properties and reactions of nucleic acids, including synthesis of nucleic acid bases, nucleosides, nucleotides and poly-nucleotides and their important synthetic analogs possessing anti-viral and anti-tumor properties. Study of reactivity of nucleic acid building blocks, including addition and substitution reactions, ring openings and rearrangements, hydrolysis of glycosidic and phosphodiester bonds and photochemical reactions. Study of primary structure, acid-base property, tautomerism and conformation of nucleic acids. Review of secondary structure, base-pairing and stacking interactions, helical structure, stability, conformation, denaturation, renaturation and cross-linking.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 654 - Organic Synthetic Methodology

    A survey of the basic principles of reactivity, reactions and strategies in organic synthesis. The course will focus on reactions leading to new bond formation, functional group transformation and the combination of these reactions in the synthesis of complex organic molecules. Lectures will be based on readings from monographs and current literature.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 655 - Introduction to Biomedicinal Chemistry

    A survey of (a) principles and methods of drug design, including modern rational approach aided by computers, disease models, natural products, analogue synthesis and pharmacophore identification; (b) physio-chemical principles of drug action, including solubility; partition co-efficients; surface interactions; stereo-chemical, electronic and quantum chemical factors; chemical bonding; and quantitative structure activity relationships (QSAR); (c) receptor concept of drug action, including nature, definition, characterization, models and classical theories of receptor function; (d) mechanisms of drug action, including enzyme stimulation, inhibition and regulation; (e) drug distribution, metabolism and inactivation, including bioavailability, biotransformations, chemical and metabolic stability; pharmaco-kinetic variability and design of pro-drugs; (f) case studies selected from a list of anti-tumor, analgetic, anti-microbial, anti-cholinergic, antiadrenergic, psychoactive and cardiovascular drugs; and (g) current status and future impact in drug development, including protein therapeutics, gene therapy, anti-sense drugs, cytokines and drug resistance.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 657 - Total Synthesis of Natural Products

    The course will cover the total syntheses of selected natural products from animal, plant, marine, bacterial and fungal sources, including vitamins, alkaloids, hormones, terpenoids and antibiotics. Both historically significant total syntheses of landmarks, such as those of cholesterol, morphine, strychnine and vitamin B12, and the more modern total syntheses, such as those as taxol, bleomycin and enediyne antibiotics, will be elaborated. Students who opt to take the course for graduate credits (CHEM 657) will be required to write an additional term paper and/or make an oral presentation on the total synthesis of a selected natural product.
  • CHEM 660 - Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry

    A course of lectures and seminars devoted to modern methods in analytical chemistry. Two of the following topics will be considered: instrumental methods in spectroscopic analysis, scattering and diffraction methods, electro-analytical and polaro-graphic techniques, chromatography, separation and purification methods and tracer methods. Readings from current literature will be the basis of both lectures and seminars.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 661 - Advanced Instrumental Methods of Analysis

    A lecture/laboratory course devoted to the theory, instrumentation and application of modem electro-chemical, spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques. Advantages and limitations of different instrumental methods are discussed using selected topics of environmental, clinical and toxicological analyses. Journal articles will be used to review recent advances and new trends in developing analytical techniques. Laboratory experiments may include polarography and pulse voltammetry, anodic stripping analysis, potentiometry with ion selective electrodes, flame and electro-thermal atomic absorption, UV-VIS spectrophotometry, Raman spectroscopy, electrophoresis, capillary gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy.
    When Offered: (Spring)
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 662 - Analytical Spectroscopy

    An advanced course in spectroscopic methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis, with emphasis on instrumental design, construction and operation. Topics will include atomic spectroscopy, light scattering and electronic and vibrational molecular spectroscopy. The role of lasers in modem spectroscopic methods will be explored.
  • CHEM 663 - Analytical Separations

    An advanced course in separation science, with emphasis on chromatographic techniques. This course will cover the theory of chemical separations, physical description and operation of various chromatographic instruments and general application of these techniques. Readings from current literature will supplement the lectures.
  • CHEM 664 - Electronics for Chemists

    A lecture-lab course designed to introduce chemists to a wide range of electronic principles from electron theory to digital computer technology. This course will cover alternating and direct current electronics, semiconductor technology and signal processing. Emphasis will be placed on circuits and electronic applications commonly found in chemical research laboratories.
  • CHEM 667 - Advanced Analytical Chemistry

    The course is an advanced survey of cutting edge analytical, molecular characterization methodologies with a focus on describing the information that can be obtained form the various methods discussed and their application to current real-world chemical and biochemical analyses. The course will consist of three major parts covering (i) Data Handling and Chemical Transport Phenomena, (II) Molecular Characterization Methods (fluorescence, Raman, Electrochemical, etc.), (III) Chemical/Biochemical Imaging (Fluorescence and Raman microscopy, atomic force microscopy, SEM, TEM, mass spectral imaging, etc.). The course will consist of lectures and discussions based on readings from monographs and current literature.
  • CHEM 670 - Special Topics in Dynamics and Mechanisms

    Discussions of the major methods and approaches to the study of chemical kinetics and other rate processes as applied to the elucidation of mechanisms of organic, inorganic and biochemical reactions. One or two of the following topics may form the basis of a semester’s work in this course: rapid-reaction techniques; stopped-flow, pressure and temperature jump methods; ultrasonics; inorganic reaction mechanism solvation; electron and proton transfer and substitution reactions; biocatalysis inhibition activation and allosteric effects; kinetics of structural transitions and phase transformation; gas-phase kinetics and heterogeneous catalysis.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 672 - Enzyme Reaction Mechanisms

    The mechanism of enzyme action will be examined, with emphasis on the following topics: three-dimensional structure of enzymes, chemical catalysis, methods of determining enzyme mechanisms, sterochemistry of enzymatic reactions, detection of intermediates, affinity labels and suicide inhibitors, transition state analogs, energy relationships, evolutionarily “perfect” enzymes, genetic engineering and enzymes and use of binding energy in catalysis. Instruction will be in both lecture and seminar format, with emphasis on recent literature.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisites: CHEM 437  or consent of instructor.
    Note: CHEM 651  recommended.
  • CHEM 680 - Seminar in Biophysical Chemistry

    A series of lectures and weekly seminars dealing with current developments in the field of biophysical chemistry.
  • CHEM 682 - Special Topics in Biochemistry

    A series of weekly lectures and seminars dealing with topics of current research interest in the field of biochemistry. A single area in which advances of major significance have been made may be chosen.
  • CHEM 684 - Special Topics in Chemistry

    series of weekly lectures and seminars dealing with recent or current important developments in chemistry. A single area in which advances of major significance have been made, or a given term, e.g., physical, organic or inorganic chemistry, will be selected.
  • CHEM 690 - Chemistry Seminar

    A series of weekly seminars devoted to a wide range of topics encompassing current literature in all fields of chemistry. Note: Each student will be required to present an extensive written paper based on the seminar and on collateral readings from current literature. Enrollment will be limited to ensure each participating student has an opportunity to present at least one major seminar.
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
  • CHEM 710 - Research Tutorial in Chemistry

    Intensive tutorial seminar on current topics of research actively pursued by the faculty member directing the course.
  • CHEM 713 - Biochemistry/Chemistry Seminar

    This core course will be given to first- and second-year graduate students. A varied background in the biochemistry/chemistry current research fields will be presented. Note: Students will be required to attend eight seminars in the semester either at the UMB Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or the UMBC Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
    Linked with/Also listed as Also listed as GPLS 713  (UMB).
  • CHEM 714 - Ethics in Current Chemical Biochemical Research

    This core course will be given to students in their first or second year in the graduate program. It will entail a combination of weekly departmental seminars on current research in chemistry/biochemistry by experts around the country/world in combination with hour long weekly discussions of critical ethical topics to researchers. The combined course format of seminar and ethics will allow graduate students to apply what they have learned in weekly ethics discussions to potential case studies (both theoretical and those from current research efforts presented in seminars).
  • CHEM 715 - Issues at the Chemistry/Biology Interface

  • CHEM 720 - Critical Assessment of the Scientific Literature

    Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor
    Components: Independent Study
    Grading Method: P/F
  • CHEM 799 - Master’s Thesis Research

    Master’s thesis research conducted under the direction of a faculty member.
    Recommended: Six credit hours are required for the master’s degree.
  • CHEM 898 - Pre-Candidacy Doctoral Research

    Research on doctoral dissertation conducted under the direction of a faculty advisor before candidacy.
  • CHEM 899 - Doctoral Dissertation Research

    Research on doctoral dissertation conducted under the direction of a faculty advisor.
    Prerequisite: Admission to Doctoral Candidacy Required
    Note: A minimum of 18 credit hours are required for the doctoral degree.
  • CHEM 7700 - Master’s Special Study

  • CHEM 8800 - Doctoral Special Study


Environmental Engineering

  • ENCE 610 - Environmental Chemistry

    This course presents chemical principles in the context of aquatic systems such as rivers, oceans, wetlands and the sub-surface environment. Equilibrium and kinetic concepts are reinforced through the use of chemical equilibrium and kinetic models. Surface and colloid chemistry are also discussed. At the end of the course, the student will be able to understand the basic chemical phenomena that control the fate of pollutants in the environment.
  • ENCE 612 - Environmental Physico-chemical Processes

    This course focuses on physico-chemical processes that control the fate of contaminants in engineered and natural systems is discussed. Physico-chemical phenomenon is first introduced from a phenomenal standpoint, then its role in both engineered and natural systems discussed. At the end of the course, the student will be able to understand the basic physico-chemical phenomena that control the fate of pollutants in the environment.
  • ENCE 614 - Environmental Biological Processes

    The purpose of this course is to provide students with the fundamental and design aspects of biological processes. The course focuses on engineered biological treatment for both municipal wastewater systems and contaminated soils and sediments. An understanding of biological treatment operations requires knowledge in the fundamental areas of biochemistry, mass transport, microbiology, reaction kinetics and reactor engineering.
  • ENCE 616 - Environmental Engineering Laboratory

    This course introduces laboratory techniques needed to conduct environmental research. Topics to be discussed include laboratory safety; quality assurance/quality control; experimental design; contaminant analysis; physical, chemical, biological processes; and data analysis.
  • ENCE 620 - Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics

    This course emphasizes the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics. Subjects such as potential flow, viscous flow, compressible flow, convection and flow through porous media are included in the course materials.
  • ENCE 621 - Groundwater Hydrology

    This course provides students with the fundamentals of sub-surface hydrology and the study of scientific and engineering problems related to groundwater quantity and quality. It introduces the fundamental groundwater fluid and solute mass balance equations. It also relates the parameters of the equations to physical and chemical properties of soils and geological formations. Elementary analytical and computational solution techniques and their applications to the movement of water and solutes in natural environments are discussed.
  • ENCE 623 - Flow Through Porous Media

    The course presents the fundamental theories of fluid flow dynamics through porous media, which are applicable to many disciplines of science and engineering. Students will learn to identify key features of porous media and their physico-chemical properties, represent the features mechanistically, identify their associated fluid transport processes, derive conservation equations for the processes and solve the equations. Both analytical and numerical solution techniques for saturated and unsaturated flow equations and their applications to engineering problems are introduced.
  • ENCE 627 - Environmental Modeling

    The course covers the fundamental theories and techniques of modeling environmental processes, which is applicable to many disciplines of science and engineering. Students learn to identify key features of the environments and their ecological, biological and physico-chemical properties, represent the features mechanistically, identify their associated processes, derive governing equations for the processes and solve the equations. Solution techniques based on those available in Microsoft EXCEL will be introduced, and the students will learn to use the software as a universal solution platform by writing formulae and Microsoft Visual Basic macros to solve their assignment problems.
  • ENCE 629 - Physical Hydrology

    This course provides an introduction to quantifying the components of the hydrologic cycle-precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, infiltration, runoff, stream flow and groundwater flow. Emphasis is on quantifying flow and storage in watersheds, including temporal and spatial patterns. Appropriate field and laboratory tests used to measure hydrologic processes and mechanistic and statistical models for data evaluation and interpretation are presented.
  • ENCE 640 - Hazardous Waste Site Remediation

    This course describes the regulatory atmosphere encountered in waste site remediations, hazards from hazardous waste sites and how risk is associated with cleanup. A principal focus is on technologies used to clean up sites and the process through which technologies are selected. The course is accentuated by practical exercises and case history discussions.
  • ENCE 642 - Treatment Plant Design

    This course presents the methodology, analysis and design for water distribution systems, wastewater collection systems and water and wastewater treatment plants.
  • ENCE 646 - Environmental Fate and Transport of Contaminants

    This course covers basic principles of chemical fate and transport in the environment. Course materials includes the fundamental concepts and practical, quantitative problem-solving techniques dealing with environmental contaminations. Mass balance; chemical equilibria and kinetics; environmental transport; and advanced topics, such as groundwater well dynamics and subsurface fate and transport, atmospheric transport of pollutants and Monod kinetics are among those included in the materials. Computer software is also used to solve complex but practical fate and transport problems in the environment.
  • ENCE 648 - Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation

    The objective of this course is to examine the fundamental principles governing toxic contaminant exposure and risk to humans and ecosystems. The course covers necessary aspects of probability and statistics, physical and chemical behavior of key priority pollutants, mass transfer and exposure pathways of the contaminants, human and environmental toxicology and methodologies for risk assessment. Concepts of green engineering focused on design, commercialization, and use of processes and products to reduce generation of pollution and risk to human health and the environment are studied. Case studies of remediation technology applications with a focus on understanding how human and environmental risk is managed in a real-life situation are presented.

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