Sep 23, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • HUM 250 - Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities

    Selected interdisciplinary topics in the humanities. Topics to be announced each semester.

    Course ID: 054884
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
  • HUM 260 - Issues in Photography and the Humanities

    This course will explore the relationships between photography and the humanities by examining issues that have common relevance, such as Realism, Modernism, environmentalism, eroticism, censorship, pornography, multiculturalism, and Postmodernism. Through significant learning experiences, images and textswill be analyzed and discussed, and historical perspectives will be provided. Opportunities will be provided for students to examine original materials and become acquainted with primary sources.

    Course ID: 054887
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Arts and Humanities (GFR)

Information Systems

  • IS 101 - Introduction to Computer Based Systems

    An overview of computer information systems. This survey course introduces computer hardware, software, procedures, systems and human resources, and it explores their integration and application in business and other segments of society. The fundamentals of computer problem-solving and programming in a higher-level programming language are discussed and demonstrated.

    Course ID: 54988
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Discussion, Lecture
    Course Equivalents: Course Equivalents: IS 101H , IS 101Y 
  • IS 101H - Introduction to Computer Based System

    An overview of computer information systems. This survey course introduces computer hardware, software, procedures, systems and human resources, and it explores their integration and application in business and other segments of society. The fundamentals of computer problem-solving and programming in a higher-level programming language are discussed and demonstrated.

    Course ID: 100202
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Discussion, Lecture
    Course Equivalents: Course Equivalents : IS 101 , IS 101Y 
  • IS 101Y - Introduction to Computer Based Systems

    An overview of computer information systems. This survey course introduces computer hardware, software, procedures, systems and human resources, and it explores their integration and application in business and other segments of society. The fundamentals of computer problem-solving and programming in a higher-level programming language are discussed and demonstrated.

    Course ID: 54989
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Discussion, Lecture
    Course Equivalents: Course Equivalents: IS 101 , IS 101H 
  • IS 125 - Information Systems Logic and Structured Design

    This course teaches the development of well-structured solutions to various programming applications as a preparation for programming language courses. Concepts of data representation, handling and physical/logical interface are emphasized. Various logical and mathematical tools for problem-solving are introduced. This course also includes a unit on the basics of Microsoft Office, in particular MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. BTA majors without prior exposure to MS Office should take IS 101  or IS 125  before taking IS 295  .

    Course ID: 51093
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
  • IS 147 - Introduction to Computer Programming

    This course introduces the basic principles and techniques involved in computer programming and computing. Methods of algorithm development, program development, and program design are taught using an object-oriented programming language. Projects are geared toward those typically encountered in the Information Systems field. Recommended Preparation IS 101   or COMP 101  

    Course ID: 54990
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
  • IS 199 - Service-Learning and Information Systems

    This service-learning experience is for all levels of students providing IS-related support for community organizations. This course is repeatable for a maximum of 6 credits.

    Course ID: 54991
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must also be enrolled in PRAC 096.
  • IS 202 - Systems Analysis Methods

    Overview of the system development life cycle. Emphasis on current system documentation through the use of both classical and structured tools/techniques for describing process flows, data flows, data structures, file designs, input and output designs, and program specifications. Discussion of the information gathering and reporting activities and of the transition from analysis to design.

    Course ID: 51025
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 101  or IS 101H  or IS 101Y  or COMP 101   with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 246 - Topics in Programming Languages and Tools

    This course will introduce a high-level programming language or a development tool. The specific language or tool may vary and more than one may be offered (the letter suffix will be used to distinguish them). This course is repeatable for credit.

    Course ID: 54992
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Topics: Visual Basic, Programming Lang C#, Prog Lang & Tools, Visual Studio, Android Programming for Mobile Applications; Python
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 147  or CMSC 201  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 247 - Computer Programming II

    This second course in a sequence continues the development of programming and problem-solving skills, focusing on topics such as: lists, searching and sorting, sets, stacks, queues, trees and an introduction to analyses of algorithm time and space requirements.

    Course ID: 51280
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Discussion, Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete IS 147  and either MATH 151   or MATH 151H   or MATH 155    all with a C or better.
  • IS 295 - Intermediate Business Applications

    Extends the introduction of business-oriented application programs to include intermediate functions from typical productivity software found in many businesses and organizations. Stresses the use of case studies to develop and implement solutions using functions from programs such as spreadsheet and databases. Recommended Preparation IS 101  or IS 125  

    Course ID: 51183
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
  • IS 298 - Special Topics in Information Systems

    (1.00 - 3.00)
    A topic at the intermediate level that deals with the design, implementation or post-installation review of information processing systems. This course is repeatable for credit.

    Course ID: 51026
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Topics: Tpcs: Visual Basic, Into To Prog Techniques, Entrepreneurship For It, Intro To Prog Techniques, Transfer Success Seminar, Programming Lang C#, Introduction to Research Methods,3D Printing Entrepreneurship
  • IS 300 - Management Information Systems

    An overview of management information systems (MIS), including the development of transaction processing systems and their relationship to management reporting systems. The course objectives include developing an understanding of the purpose, functions, components and applications of transaction processing systems and management reporting systems in private and public organizations, and describing and evaluating policies for information resource management. Recommended Preparation IS 101  or COMP 101  

    Course ID: 54993
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Course Equivalents: IS 300H  
  • IS 300H - Management Information Systems

    An overview of management information systems (MIS), including the development of transaction processing systems and their relationship to management reporting systems. The course objectives include developing an understanding of the purpose, functions, components and applications of transaction processing systems and management reporting systems in private and public organizations, and describing and evaluating policies for information resource management. Recommended Preparation IS 101  or COMP 101  

    Course ID: 100355
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Course Equivalents: IS 300  
  • IS 303 - Fundamentals of Human-Computer Interaction

    This course provides a survey of human factors and human computer interaction relevant to the design and use of information systems. It describes the contributions of information systems, computer science, psychology, sociology and engineering to human-computer interaction. Emphasis is placed on human factors theories, human information processing concepts, interaction design approaches and usability evaluation methods. Application areas and current research are also reviewed.

    Course ID: 51335
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 202  or IS 300  or IS 300H  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 304 - Ethical Issues in Information Systems

    A survey course that reviews the ethical impact of information systems and related technology throughout the world. The course examines the policy issues that relate to the use of information systems, such as persona, privacy, rights of access, security, transborder data flow and confidentiality. Recommended Preparation ENGL 100  

    Course ID: 51336
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Arts and Humanities (GEP), Arts and Humanities (GFR)
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete any IS course or any CMSC course or COMP 101  all with a ‘C’ or better.
  • IS 310 - Software and Hardware Concepts

    A survey of technical topics related to computer systems with emphasis on the relationships between hardware architecture, system software and applications software. The architecture of processors and storage systems are explored, and the implications for systems software design are covered, along with the impact of hardware and system software design on the development of application programs in a business environment.

    Course ID: 51225
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed  IS 147  or  CMSC 201  or CMSC 201H    and either MATH 151  or MATH 151H    or MATH 155   all with a grade of C or better 
  • IS 317 - Accounting Information Systems

    This course examines accounting systems concepts and technologies, transaction processing systems and the control of accounting information. The roles and uses of technology will be explored in regard to accounting systems design, financial and processing controls, performance evaluation and information security.

    Course ID: 50061
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Same as Offered: ECAC 317  
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed ECON 122  with a grade of C or better to take this course.
  • IS 320 - Advanced Business Applications

    Students will analyze, design and implement solutions to examples of real-world business problems using advanced database and spreadsheet software that is commonly found in business today.

    Course ID: 100228
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete IS 295  with a C or better.
  • IS 325 - Introduction to Management Science

    A survey of the concepts and techniques of management science, including decision-making tools, mathematical programming, networks and operations management, and simulation. Note This course may be subject to a Course Materials Charge. The charge may vary by semester, depending on the course materials required. The Course Materials Initiative (CMI) was established to provide students with more affordable course materials, enhance the students’ experience on a common digital platform via Blackboard, and position UMBC to be ahead of the curve with digital content.  More information is available at UMBC Bookstore’s website.

    Course ID: 51130
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 300  and either MATH 151  or MATH 155  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 350 - Business Communications Systems

    A survey of business data communications for end users of computer networks. Students will gain a basic understanding of the features, operations and limitations of different types of communications and network systems. Topics covered include: fundamentals of data and signals, telecommunications systems, wired and wireless media, error control, local-area networks, wide-area networks, the Internet and network security. This course will provide the student the knowledge and ability to interact with the system professional administering these areas.

    Course ID: 51094
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: IS 300   and ( MATH 155   or MATH 151  ) with a C or better. This course is available to BTA majors or IS minors only.
  • IS 352 - Women, Gender, and Information Technology

    This course examines critical issues concerning women, gender, and information technology. It considers women’s critical contributions to technology, from the 19th century Analytical Engine to contemporary cybersecurity industry; how women and girls fare in IT educational and professional settings; and how these issues intersect with multiple dimensions including nationality, race, class, and age. Students connect these issues to their personal experiences, academic plans, and career choices. · Recommended Preparation A prior course in Computer Science, Information Systems or Gender and Women’s Studies.

    Course ID: 050049
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Course Equivalents: CMSC 352H  , GWST 352H  
    Attributes: Social Sciences (GEP), Social Sciences (GFR)
    Same as Offered: CMSC 352 , GWST 352  
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed one IS, CMSC, or GWST course with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 361 - Technology for Management of Aging Services


    This course will introduce students to the history of technology, both as a social/cultural phenomenon that has shaped the lives of those entering their later years as well as an enabler to improve and enhance quality of life for aging Americans. Students will be introduced to various types of technology and to how they can be used to improve the care and quality of life for aging Americans. Recent advances in technology such as electronic health records, home monitoring devices, software and tools that enhance seniors’ connections with the outside world and turn therapy into recreation, and electronic tools that can be used to manage and enhance an organization’s approach to improving its culture and care practices will be examined. Guest speakers and opportunities to see some of these technologies either in use or through live demonstrations or video will be featured.

    Course ID: 100021
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Same as Offered: AGNG 361  
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete any AGNG course and any IS course or any CMSC course or COMP 101  all with a ‘C’ or better.



  • IS 369 - Research Seminar: Writings In Information Systems

    This seminar course introduces students to current research writing in the fields related to Information Systems. Students will be required to read examples of current research publications in order to improve their professional analytical, communications and interacting skills. The course is designed to improve students skills through reading and critiquing the IS literature, preparing written reviews of journal articles, making presentations, and interacting collaboratively. The content areas for this work will relate to the broad topical areas that encompass the field of information systems that have been encountered through other courses in the program.  Recommended Preparation STAT 351  

    Course ID: 54994
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Writing Intensive (GEP)
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed ENGL 100  and one IS 200 or IS 300  level course with a C or better.
  • IS 387 - Information Architecture for the Web

    This course focuses on the creation and organization of web content that meets the information needs of endusers and serves the communication purposes of the site’s sponsors or creators. Students will learn how to analyze information architecture, navigation, audience and usability of good and bad Websites; conduct online research about best practices; talk with Web content developers from a variety of fields; and develop the Web content plan for a site.

    Course ID: 51227
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete ( IS 247  or CMSC 202  ) and IS 303  with a C or better. IS 303  can be taken concurrently.
  • IS 397 - Health IT Internship

    This course provides the opportunity for IS majors, particularly those enrolled in the Health IT certificate program, to earn academic credit while employed in a professional internship position that is related to Health IT. The course is repeatable to a maximum of six credits. Pass/fail grading only. Requires a GPA of 2.5 or better, at least 30 credits completed towards graduation, and co-enrollment in the Career Center’s PRAC Department permission required.

    Course ID: 102469
    Consent: Departmental Consent
    Components: Internship
  • IS 399 - Cooperative Education in Information Systems Management

    (1.00 - 3.00)
    This course provides the opportunity for IS majors to earn academic credit while employed in a professional position under the Cooperative Education Program. The course is repeatable to a maximum of six credits for a second co-op assignment. Course grading is P/F only, based on the student meeting the requirements of the Office of Professional Practice and an acceptable performance evaluation from the employer. Variable credit course repeatable for a maximum of 6 credits.

    Course ID: 51131
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Independent Study
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete PRAC 98A or PRAC 98B or PRAC 98C or PRAC 99 or PRAC 99A or PRAC 99B. You can also be concurrently enrolled in these classes.
  • IS 400 - Individual Study in Information Systems

    (1.00 - 3.00)
    Course open to IS majors only. Students considering enrolling in this course are encouraged to meet with the faculty member coordinating the individual study to determine the course requirements and their IS advisor to determine if the course fits their needs.  Variable credit course repeatable for a maximum of 6 credits.

    Course ID: 54995
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Research
  • IS 403 - User Interface Design

    A second-semester human computer interaction course in which the student will have the opportunity to apply the user interface theories, guidelines and principles presented in the introductory course. The goal of the course is for the students to follow the complete systems development life cycle in analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating an interactive user interface. Course activities include producing project milestone deliverables, developing a design report, coding an interactive interface and conducting a formal interface evaluation.

    Course ID: 51337
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 303   with a grade of C or better
  • IS 410 - Introduction to Database Design

    This course introduces the student to the process of database development, including data modeling, database design and database implementation. Students learn basic interactive SQL for both data definition and queries. Students practice design skills by developing a small database project. This course requires consent of the department, where consent will be granted only to students who have completed the IS BS Gateway.

    Course ID: 51282
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
  • IS 413 - GUI Systems Using JAVA

    This course introduces the student to graphical user interface systems using the most current version of Java. Students will learn to implement a series of interactive stand-alone or Web-based interfaces. Event handling and multi-threaded Java programs will be studied. Image and data transmission via the Internet will be presented. Students will read articles from the current research literature that offer guidelines in interface design. Familiarity with UNIX file and directory manipulation is recommended.

    Course ID: 51096
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete IS 247  or CMSC 202  with a ‘C’ or better.
  • IS 417 - Information Systems for Auditors

    Information Systems Auditing involves the examination of controls within an organization’s IT infrastructure. Formerly known as an EDP Audit, the IS Audit involves collecting and evaluating evidence about an organization’s systems, practices and operations. This course covers methods and outcomes of those procedures as well as the impact and implications involving controls mandated by governmental agencies.

    Course ID: 50062
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Same as Offered: ECAC 420  
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed ECAC 321  OR IS 300  both with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 420 - Database Application Development

    The course offers hands-on experience for developing client/server database applications using a major database management system. Students learn how to create and manipulate database objects, including tables, views and sequences; develop program units using SQL; and implement client applications such as forms and reports. The course provides students with firsthand experience developing prototype client/server applications.

    Course ID: 51184
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Discussion, Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 410  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 425 - Decision Support Systems

    This course provides an overview of theoretical and organizational aspects of decision support systems (DSS), including descriptive and prescriptive decision-making concepts, individual and group decision support systems, and executive information systems. Management of DSS within the end-user environment also is discussed. Projects using DSS software are required, and case examples are discussed.

    Course ID: 51228
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Discussion, Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite:  You must have completed IS 410 , MGMT 210 , MATH 215  or MATH 221  with a ‘C’or better.
  • IS 427 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and Applications

    This course will provide an introduction to, and hands-on experience with, several artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. It will begin with the concepts and design of knowledge-based systems; the students will identify the issues arising in the design of rule-based systems. Machine learning, particularly neural network topologies will be introduced. The class also will include a discussion of recent advances in AI, including intelligent agents, natural language processing, evolutionary computing and case-based reasoning.

    Course ID: 51075
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete ( IS 247  or CMSC 202  ) and ( MATH 215  orMATH 221  ), each with a C or better.
  • IS 428 - Data Mining Techniques and Applications

    Data mining is the exploration and analysis of large quantities of data to discover hidden and meaningful patterns. Students will learn both how data mining techniques work and how to apply data mining to various business and organizational contexts in this course. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of how data mining is changing the way businesses understand their customers and make decisions.

    Course ID: 54996
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 410  and STAT 351  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 430 - Information Systems and Security

    A survey course relating to the establishment and maintenance of a practical information security program. The security implications of databases, telecommunications systems and software are examined, as are techniques to assess risks and to discover abuses of systems.

    Course ID: 51132
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 300  and IS 310  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 432 - Computer Viruses

    Through a review of the current literature, a survey of state-of-the-art software tools and an examination of actual microcomputer-based viruses, the course is intended to prepare students for the eventuality of having to protect their machines and data against the increasingly common threat of viruses.

    Course ID: 51097
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 300  or IS 300H  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 434 - The Evolution of Modern Information Systems

    This course examines the impact of information systems on nearly every aspect of life in the United States and other countries. It traces the developments that have made this situation possible, especially those changes following the release of the personal computer and the rise of networking. Included are topics relating to the increasing reliance on information systems within the economic and social context of the computer revolution.

    Course ID: 51185
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 300  or IS 300H  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 436 - Structured Systems Analysis and Design

    A capstone course involving advanced study and application of structured analysis and design methods throughout the system life cycle. Emphasis is given to the common approaches for gathering requirements, modeling, analyzing and designing information systems. Managing the complexity of system development projects is also addressed. These skills are applied via a semester-long, team-based, field research project.

    Course ID: 51029
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 410  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 437 - Applied Systems Design

    Applied Systems Design extends material from IS 436  and allows students to apply material from IS 436  in project teams to create a working Information System. Emphasis is on real-world requirements and constraints. Students may have to sign non-disclosure forms if involved in projects sponsored by organizations providing design opportunities.

    Course ID: 54997
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 436  with a C or better before you can enroll in this course.
  • IS 438 - Project Management

    A course covering the manner in which a system project is planned, scheduled and controlled during a project’s life. The use of project management techniques such as PERT (Project Evaluation and Review Technique) and Gantt charts will be examined in depth, as will be other techniques of planning, scheduling and controlling projects.

    Course ID: 51229
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 300  or IS 300H  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 440 - Integrating Technology into Business Processes

    Office information and decision support systems are examined as emerging and critical elements in business data and information systems. Emphasis is given to information processing considerations at the systems level, including analysis and management of support activities such as data and records management, electronic filing and retrieving systems, word processing, micro- and repro-graphics, and (tele)communications. The course includes discussion of person/machine interfaces and appraisals of current and future technological trends and their impacts on data processing and office equipment.

    Course ID: 51133
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must be concurrently enrolled in or have completed IS 350  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 448 - Markup and Scripting Languages

    IS 448 covers the history, theory, and practice of markup languages and their associated scripting languages. This course covers client-side web technology, such as Javascript and server-side web technology, such PHP, markup languages, such as XML, and common databases used with web technology.

    Course ID: 51091
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete IS 247  or CMSC 202  with a C or better.
  • IS 450 - Data Communications and Networks

    This is an introductory survey course in data communications and networking. It surveys basic theory and technology of computer networking. A single networking protocol stack is also covered in depth. This course requires consent of the department, where consent will be granted only to students who have completed the IS BS Gateway.

    Course ID: 51230
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete MATH 215  or MATH 221  with a C or better.
  • IS 451 - Network Design and Management

    This course covers implementation and administration of enterprise networking and distributed applications. It includes readings and case studies on middleware, network architecture for distributed applications and selected technologies to support enterprise systems.

    Course ID: 51098
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 450  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 451M - LAN Management Using Microsoft

    A hands-on course using the latest version of the Microsoft server, which covers the design, building, management, security and technical issues involved in a local area network.

    Course ID: 51030
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 450  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 451U - LAN Management Using Unix

    A hands-on course taught in a computer classroom in UNIX operating system management and networking. The design, building, management, security and technical issues involved in a local area network will be covered.

    Course ID: 51231
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 450   with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 452 - Internetworking

    This course covers network routing and other topics in internetworking. This will be a project-oriented course that will consist of lectures and hands-on laboratory experience creating projects that simulate real-world networks.

    Course ID: 51077
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 450  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 454 - Survey of Telecommunications

    This course examines the design and management issues in communications beyond the local area, including wide-area networks, high speed data transfer, integrated voice and data communications, distributed processing and internetworking.

    Course ID: 51284
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 450  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 456 - Telecommunications Policy

    This course presents and discusses current telecommunications policy issues based on technological advances and both national and international regulatory developments. The course provides a background in the development and progression of telecommunications regulation and discusses the impact of such policies on various segments of the telecommunications industry.

    Course ID: 51032
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 450  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 460 - Health Care Informatics I

    The focus of this course is on health care information systems. Examples of topics covered include: requirements and design, providers and payers, regulations, e-commerce, privacy and security, personnel and vendors, knowledge and diffusion.

    Course ID: 51338
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 300  or IS 300H  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 461 - Health Care Informatics II

    The focus of this course is on advanced topics in health care information systems. Examples of topics include e- commerce standards, government regulation of privacy and security, and cancer information systems.

    Course ID: 51099
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
  • IS 464 - Telemedicine in Trauma Care

    This course addresses topical issues of telemedicine in prehospital and trauma care. It covers issues in designing, developing, deploying and evaluating telemedicine systems; research methodologies, including field and laboratory experimentation; and the role of information technologies in supporting team coordination in trauma care from the accident scene to the emergency room. Students will be exposed to the ongoing telemedicine research projects and state-of-the-art telemedicine systems at the Shock Trauma Center.

    Course ID: 51100
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 461  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 467 - Health IT Project

    This course provides the opportunity for IS majors, particularly those enrolled in the Health IT certificate program, to synthesize material learned in previous coursework by applying it to a Health IT -related project related to the student’s interests. It is open to IS majors by permission of the department. It consists of an independent study/research project, either individual or in a small group, directed by a faculty member. Department permission required.

    Course ID: 102470
    Consent: Departmental Consent
    Components: Independent Study
  • IS 469 - Senior Project in Information Systems

    (1.00 - 3.00)
    This course is designed to help a student synthesize material learned in other courses by applying it to a project in the student’s area of interest. It is open to IS majors by permission of the department. It will consist of an independent study/research project directed by a faculty member or a work-related internship experience focused on computer systems in a setting appropriate to the student’s interests under the supervision of a faculty member. Variable credit course repeatable for a maximum of 6 credits

    Course ID: 51033
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Research
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have attained Senior standing and completed two or more IS courses at the 400 level with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 471 - Data Analytics for Cybersecurity

    Cyber security is pervasive in the areas of not only computer networks but also sensor networks, industrial control systems and user devices.  One common thread in these types of systems and end users is data.  This course provides an introduction to data analytics for multiple aspects of cyber security and focuses on data analytics methods for discovering anomalies pertaining to Cyber threats through exercises in programming an hands on data analytics tools.

    Course ID: 102380
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must comlpete IS 410  with a C or better.
  • IS 472 - Software Security

    Many cybersecurity attacks are facilitated by software vulnerabilities, i.e. characteristics of software source code that unintentionally allow unauthorized access to computer memory.  Future cybersecurity professionals require an understanding of various techniques that can be applied throughout the software development lifecycle to prevent, detect, and remove such vulnerabilities.  Through this course students will: 1) Develop an understanding of common vulnerabilities and emerging attacks; 2) Learn how to apply secure coding standards and techniques to ensure that their source code is as free from vulnerabilities as possible; 3) Be provided hands-on experience in handling software vulnerabilities.

    Course ID: 102381
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete IS 247   with a C or better
  • IS 474 - Legal Aspects of Information Systems

    This course focuses on the legal issues surrounding the use and misuse of computer-stored information and copyrights and piracy of computer software.

    Course ID: 51285
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed IS 300  or IS 300H  with a grade of C or better.
  • IS 478 - Cybersecurity Internship

    This course provides the opportunity for IS majors, particularly those enrolled in the Cybersecurity Informatics certificate program, to earn academic credit while employed in a professional internship that is related to cybersecurity.  The course is repeatable to a maximum of six credits. Department permission required.

    Course ID: 102383
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Independent Study
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: Student must have at least a GPA of 2.5 or better, 30 credits completed toward graduation, and a co-enrollment in the Career Center’s PRAC.  Department Consent is Required.
  • IS 479 - Cybersecurity Project

    This course provides the opportunity for IS majors, particularly those enrolled in the Cybersecurity Informatics certificate program, to synthesize material learned in previous coursework by applying it to a cybersecurity-related project related to the student’s interests.  It is open to IS majors by permission of the department.  It consists of an independent study/research project, either individual or in a small group, directed by a faculty member.

    Course ID: 102389
    Consent: Departmental Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
  • IS 498 - Special Topics in Information Systems

    (1.00 - 3.00)
    Topics in the design and implementation of information processing systems. This course is repeatable for credit.

    Course ID: 51339
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Topics: Prog For Biomedical Info, Wireless Networking, Success Thru Appl Learn, Intelligent Invest Sys, Entrepreneurship For It, Erp:Data Integ/Anal SAS, Network Systems And Serv, AIS, Advanced Web Development, Foundations of Public Health Informatics, Technical and Policy Issues of Privacy, The Philosophy of Information Technology, Semantic Web, Mobile Human Computer Interaction, Cybersecurity

Interdisciplinary Studies

  • INDS 232 - Interdisciplinary Introduction to Food System Studies.

    This course explores fundamental concepts within food system studies, focusing on the intersection of agriculture, the food industry, human health, environmental sustainability and social justice. Core topics include how our food system supports or diminishes ecological well-being, biological diversity, human health, equity and social justice, and animal welfare. The course also presents and analyzes who are the key stakeholders in the food system and what are some primary opportunities and challenges to reform. Recommended Preparation ENGL 100  

    Course ID: 102087
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Course Equivalents: INDS 232H  
  • INDS 232H - Interdisciplinary Introduction to Food System Studies.

    This course explores fundamental concepts within food system studies, focusing on the intersection of agriculture, the food industry, human health, environmental sustainability and social justice. Core topics include how our food system supports or diminishes ecological well-being, biological diversity, human health, equity and social justice, and animal welfare. The course also presents and analyzes who are the key stakeholders in the food system and what are some primary opportunities and challenges to reform. Recommended Preparation ENGL 100  

    Course ID: 102094
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Course Equivalents: INDS 232  
  • INDS 330 - Ways of Knowing

    How can the insights from various disciplines inform our understanding of difficult issues? This course explores methods of different academic disciplines and their implications for an interdisciplinary understanding of complex problems. Each year students will examine a compelling issue (e.g. AIDS, energy policy) by integrating the contributions of several disciplines. Students will develop skills in interdisciplinary research and problem-solving, oral and written communication, and in integrating diverse perspectives. Recommended Preparation ENGL 226  

    Course ID: 54977
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Course Equivalents: INDS 330H  
    Topics: Ways Of Knowing
    Attributes: Writing Intensive (GEP)
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete ENGL 100  or equivalent  with a C or better.
  • INDS 330H - Ways of Knowing

    How can the insights from various disciplines inform our understanding of difficult issues? This course explores methods of different academic disciplines and their implications for an interdisciplinary understanding of complex problems. Each year students will examine a compelling issue (e.g. AIDS, energy policy) by integrating the contributions of several disciplines. Students will develop skills in interdisciplinary research and problem-solving, oral and written communication, and in integrating diverse perspectives.

    Course ID: 100015
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Course Equivalents: INDS 330  
    Topics: Ways Of Knowing
    Attributes: Writing Intensive (GEP)
  • INDS 335 - Interdisciplinary Degree Plan Writing Seminar

    This seminar guides students through the process of writing an interdisciplinary degree plan including: a cogent degree description; coursework grouped into measurable learning objectives based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy of Educational Objectives; ideas for capstone research projects; and a professional cover letter. Students will focus on the processes of close editing, re-writing, and collaboration as important techniques for developing not only an interdisciplinary degree plan but also project and grant proposals of many types. Recommended Preparation ENGL 100  

    Course ID: 102088
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete INDS 330   with a C or better. It can also be taken concurrently.
  • INDS 399 - Guided Reading in Interdisciplinary Studies

    Directed studies carried out under the supervision of faculty mentors previously identified within a student’s INDS degree proposal, under administrative oversight of the student’s primary INDS program advisor. The purpose of this course is to obtain a thorough grounding in key literature pertaining to the area of undergraduate research identified within the student’s degree proposal as a target of the capstone research experience (IINDS 490 ). Recommended Preparation An approved INDS degree proposal.

    Course ID: 102089
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete INDS 335  with a ‘C’ or better.
  • INDS 400 - Interdisciplinary Studies: Independent Study

    (1.00 - 3.00)
    Independent study or research with a faculty mentor focused on an issue related to the capstone. Variable credit course repeatable for a maximum of 12 credits.

    Course ID: 54978
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Independent Study
    Course Equivalents: INDS 400H  
  • INDS 400H - Interdisciplinary Studies: Honors Independent Study

    (1.00 - 3.00)
    Independent study or research. Variable credit course repeatable for a maximum of 12 credits.

    Course ID: 54979
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Independent Study
    Course Equivalents: INDS 400  
  • INDS 410 - Interdisciplinary Studies: Internships

    (1.00 - 6.00)
    Internships are encouraged in Interdisciplinary Studies. Students may request up to six credits of internship experience. Requests for more than six credits must be approved by the director of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program. Permission is granted after proposal is approved. Variable credit course repeatable for a maximum of 6 credits.

    Course ID: 54980
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Independent Study
  • INDS 430 - Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar

    A seminar designed to examine the integrative nature of interdisciplinary studies through readings, discussions and class presentations on important topics that cut across academic disciplines. Variable credit course repeatable for a maximum of 6 credits.

    Course ID: 54981
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Course Equivalents: INDS 430H  
    Topics: Sem In Culture & Policy, Complementary Medicine, Publ Poli And Publ Spkng, Nuclear Issues/Terrorism, Technology Trends, Designing Sustain Envir, Imaging/Writing Environ, Imaging & Writing Env, Public Speaking & Public, Green Writing, Leadership: Inds Persp, Creative Endeavors Math, Interdis Seminar, Imaging Writing Enivron, Leadership, Global Migrations, Global Society, Global Society: Prospect, Africana Studies, The Business Of Medicine, In Search Of The City, Lead (Pb):Scie And Soci, Modern Iran - Inds Study, Greenway Designs Se, Sustainable Design: the Unive, Food: An Interdisciplinary Exploration, Astrobiology, Religion and Science, Case Studies in Public Healthcare, Science and Spirituality
  • INDS 430H - Honors Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar

    (3.00 - 6.00)
    A seminar designed to examine the integrative nature of interdisciplinary studies through readings, discussions and class presentations on important topics that cut across academic disciplines. This course is repeatable for a maximum of 6 credits.

    Course ID: 54982
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Course Equivalents: INDS 430  
    Topics: Sem In Culture & Policy, Complementary Medicine, Publ Poli And Publ Spkng, Nuclear Issues/Terrorism, Technology Trends, Designing Sustain Envir, Imaging/Writing Environ, Imaging & Writing Env, Public Speaking & Public, Green Writing, Leadership: Inds Persp, Creative Endeavors Math, Interdis Seminar, Imaging Writing Enivron, Leadership, Global Migrations, Global Society, Global Society: Prospect, Africana Studies, The Business Of Medicine, In Search Of The City, Lead (Pb):Scie And Soci, Modern Iran - Inds Study, Greenway Designs Se, Sustainable Design: the Unive, Food: An Interdisciplinary Exploration, Astrobiology, Religion and Science, Case Studies in Public Healthcare, Science and Spirituality
  • INDS 480 - Interdisciplinary Studies:Capstone Project Seminar

    This seminar is designed to prepare students forINDS 490  . With consultation from faculty mentors, students will develop and submit a proposal for a capstone project. Strategies for conducting interdisciplinary research and designing a cohesive, integrated, manageable project will be discussed.

    Course ID: 54985
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete INDS 330  with a grade of C or better.
  • INDS 490 - Interdisciplinary Studies: Capstone Project

    An independent study or other creative effort demonstrating the accomplishment of the approved objectives in the student’s interdisciplinary studies proposal. Permission to register will be granted from the Interdisciplinary Studies Office after the student submits a written statement describing the capstone project, which has been approved and signed by the faculty advisors.

    Course ID: 54986
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Independent Study
    Course Equivalents: INDS 490H  
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete INDS 480  ith a C or better.
  • INDS 490H - Interdisciplinary Studies: Capstone Project - Honors

    An independent study or other creative effort demonstrating the accomplishment of the approved objectives in the student’s interdisciplinary studies proposal. Permission to register will be granted from an Interdisciplinary Studies advisor after the student submits the completed INDS 490  form, which has been approved and signed by the faculty mentors.

    Course ID: 54987
    Consent: Department Consent Required
    Components: Independent Study
    Course Equivalents: INDS 490  


  • JPNS 101 - Elementary Japanese I

    An introduction to Japanese language and culture. Focus on basic grammatical patterns to handle specific conversational situations and to read and write simple passages using Hiragana, Katakana and some kanji. After successfully complete this course, students are able to understand short, simple utterances in specific context, exchange greetings, name a number of familiar objects within their immediate environment, for example, daily life, family, etc.

    Course ID: 55042
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Language (GFR)
  • JPNS 102 - Elementary Japanese II

    Continuation of JPNS101. Emphasis on 4 basic skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing within the context of students¿ immediate surroundings, for example, comparing two or more items, expressing opinions, reasoning, informal speech and etc. Continue introducing new kanji. After successfully completing this course, students are able to understand short, simple utterances in specific contexts, respond to simple, direct questions, or requests for information.

    Course ID: 55044
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Discussion, Lecture
    Attributes: Language (GFR)
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete JPNS 101  with a C or better before taking this class or have completed 2 years of high school Japanese.
  • JPNS 201 - Intermediate Japanese I

    Building on the grammar patterns and vocabulary covered through JPNS 102, this course focuses on language use in a wide range of situations, including polite expression in formal situations. Students will explore different use of language depending on the situation by speaking, listening, reading and writing as well as incorporating cultural concepts.

    Course ID: 55046
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Discussion, Lecture
    Attributes: 201 Level Language Requirement (GEP), 201-Level Foreign Language (GFR)
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must have completed JPNS 102  with a C or better before taking this class or have completed 3 years of high school Japanese.
  • JPNS 202 - Intermediate Japanese II

    This is the second sequence in the Intermediate Japanese. Continued emphasis on complex sentence structures to prepare the students for expressing their opinions in Japanese. Students¿ critical thinking is encouraged to understand Japanese culture and society deeply by introducing authentic materials on specific topics.

    Course ID: 55048
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Discussion, Lecture
    Attributes: Culture (GEP), Culture (GFR), Language (GFR)
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete JPNS 201  with a C or better before taking this class or have completed 4 years of high school Japanese.
  • JPNS 300 - Special Projects in the Japanese Language and Culture

    (1.00 - 3.00)
    This course is repeatable for credit.

    Course ID: 55050
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Independent Study
  • JPNS 301 - Advanced Japanese I

    This is the first of a two-course sequence for Advanced Japanese. This course focuses on further developing four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) with emphasis on expressing their views on a range of topics, including socio-cultural issues and current events. The course includes such activities as formal presentations, discussions, intensive readings, and report writings in Japanese as well as kanji practice.

    Course ID: 101765
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete JPNS 202  with a C or better and/or equivalent
  • JPNS 302 - Advanced Japanese II

    This is the second of a two-course sequence for Advanced Japanese. This course focuses on continuing development of four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) with emphasis on expressing their views on a range of topics, including socio-cultural issues and current events. In addition to regular oral practice, this course has an increasing emphasis on cultural aspect of the language use. The course includes such activities as formal presentations, discussions, intensive readings, and report writings in Japanese as well as kanji practice.

    Course ID: 101766
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete JPNS 301  with the grade of C or higher and/or equivalent.
  • JPNS 309 - Business Japanese

    Students acquire advanced oral and writing skills along with specific terminology used in a diverse range of business fields in Japan. In addition to language use, students learn proper business etiquette and culture in specific situations by role-playing, mock interviews, formal presentations, intensive reading and descriptive writing. They are also required to think critically about the relationship between practice and perspective in Japanese business culture.

    Course ID: 102163
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete JPNS 301  or JPNS 302  with a grade of C or better
  • JPNS 319 - Japanese Translation

    This course prepares students for translating materials from Japanese into English. After learning translating techniques and terminology, students practice translating short documents covering many fields and disciplines. For their Final Project, they will choose a document in the discipline of their choice to translate.

    Course ID: 102264
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: You must complete JPNS 301   or JPNS 302   with a grade of C or better

Judaic Studies

  • JDST 100 - Introduction to Judaic Studies

    A survey of the Judaic experience and expression, including varieties of religious expression, philosophical issues, literary and artistic dimensions, the role of Jewish law and the contemporary status of Jewish intellectual activity.

    Course ID: 55027
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Arts and Humanities (GEP), Culture (GEP), Arts and Humanities (GFR), Culture (GFR)
  • JDST 200 - Israel and the Ancient Near East

    A survey of the cultures of the ancient Near East including Assyria, Persia, and especially the development of ancient Judaism.

    Course ID: 50041
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Arts and Humanities (GEP), Culture (GEP), Arts and Humanities (GFR), Culture (GFR)
    Same as Offered: ANCS 200 , RLST 201 
  • JDST 201 - Judaism in the Time of Jesus and Hillel

    This course surveys the history of Judaism and the Jewish people from the onset of Hellenism through the second Jewish revolt against the occupation by the Roman Empire. This formative period in the history of Judaism, of early Christianity and of Jewish-Christian relations is interpreted in light of extant primary and secondary literary and archaeological sources.

    Course ID: 50038
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Arts and Humanities (GEP), Culture (GEP), Arts and Humanities (GFR), Culture (GFR)
    Same as Offered: ANCS 220 , RLST 202 
  • JDST 230 - Introduction to the Jewish Bible (TaNaKH)

    An examination of the structure and content of the Jewish Bible (the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings). Topics include the Bible’s historical and socio-cultural background, translations, exegesis, and classical and contemporary commentaries. Recommended Preparation JDST 100  or the consent of the instructor.

    Course ID: 55028
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Arts and Humanities (GEP), Culture (GEP), Arts and Humanities (GFR), Culture (GFR)
  • JDST 273 - History of the Jews in Modern Times, From the Middle Ages to1917

    Political and socioeconomic forces at work in Europe and within the Jewish community during this period. Hassidism and enlightenment, emancipation and reform. The French and Russian revolutions. Jewish existence in Eastern Europe. Zionism and Aliyah.

    Course ID: 50160
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Culture (GEP), Social Sciences (GEP), Culture (GFR), Social Sciences (GFR)
    Same as Offered: HIST 273 , RLST 273 
  • JDST 274 - Contemporary Jewish History: 1917 to the Present

    Jewish civilization in the 20th century with attention to interwar years, the attempted destruction of European Jewry in World War II and the resistance of the Jews. Post-war issues are examined: including the Allies and the United Nations, the emergence of new centers in Europe and Israel, Jews in the former Soviet Union, Jewish identity struggle in America and post-Holocaust thought.

    Course ID: 50147
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Culture (GEP), Social Sciences (GEP), Culture (GFR), Social Sciences (GFR)
    Same as Offered: HIST 274 , RLST 274  
  • JDST 290 - Topics in Judaic Studies

    Topics will be announced each semester. This course is repeatable for credit.

    Course ID: 55029
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Topics: Judaism &Christian Begin, Intro Jew Phil Thought, Topics In Judaic Studies, Jewish Interpretation, Jewish Great Books, Yiddish:Lang/Lit/Culture, Jewish American Lit, Images Of Jewish Women, Interpret The Torah, Intro Jewish Phil Tought, The Holocaust in American Memory, Jewish Detective Fiction, Women of the Hebrew Bible
  • JDST 310 - Modern Israel: The Land, Its People, Culture, and Society

    A multidisciplinary study of the historical background and current issues in the modern State of Israel. Topics may include physical and cultural geography; population demographics; immigration and absorption; religious and ethnic diversity; social and political structures; the economy and economic institutions, including the Kibbutz and Moshav; the Israeli educational system; and Israeli international relations.

    Course ID: 55030
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Culture (GEP), Social Sciences (GEP), Culture (GFR), Social Sciences (GFR)
  • JDST 311 - Modern Israel in Film

    From its founding to the present, films (features and documentaries) about Israel have shaped public opinion and been molded by it. The course explores issues and problems addressed by these films and those that have been ignored. Recommended Preparation One of the following: JDST 100 , JDST 274 , JDST 310 , or consent of the instructor

    Course ID: 55031
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Culture (GFR)
  • JDST 320 - Literature of the Holocaust

    An examination of the experiences of the Holocaust through works of poetry, drama, autobiography and/or the novel. Most of the selections relate the Holocaust as it was experienced after the writers translated those experiences into art, including film and video, making their personal tragedies into recognizable truths. Recommended Preparation Junior standing or consent of the instructor

    Course ID: 55032
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
  • JDST 321 - Jewish Writing in World Literature

    This course will study the development of modern Jewish writing from its beginnings in the Yiddish works of Eastern Europe through its diasporic extension into Western Europe, North Africa, Latin America, North America and Israel. Special attention will be given to the analysis of Jewish humor, in literature as well as other cultural forms, from the novels of Sholom Aleichem to the films of Woody Allen. Jewish literary responses to the Holocaust also will be discussed. The course will emphasize the cross-cultural nature of Jewish diasporic writing in its attachment both to common Jewish traditions and to diverse national, historical, geographical and linguistic contexts.

    Course ID: 50179
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Culture (GEP), Culture (GFR)
    Same as Offered: MLL 321 
  • JDST 323 - Modern Hebrew Literature

    A survey of various forms of Hebrew literature in English translation from throughout the world since the 19th century. In addition, modern Hebrew literature is compared to, and contrasted with, pre-modern Hebrew literature and Yiddish literature. Recommended Preparation An English or world literature course in any language at the 200 level or above or consent from the instructor

    Course ID: 50178
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Arts and Humanities (GEP), Culture (GEP), Arts and Humanities (GFR), Culture (GFR)
    Same as Offered: MLL 323  
  • JDST 330 - Jewish Ethics

    An examination of the sources on Jewish ethics; Jewish ethical analyses of issues in medicine, business, sexual behavior and politics; Jewish approaches to dilemmas raised during the Holocaust. Recommended Preparation JDST 100  or PHIL 150  or consent of the instructor

    Course ID: 55034
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
  • JDST 340 - Origins of Antisemitism

    The evolution of anti-Jewish sentiments in the pagan and later Christian world are examined, along with images of the Jew as evil, devil consort and Christ-killer, and the development and spread of myths about Jews, such as their involvement in well-poisonings, the blood libel and host desecration. Study of the changes in beliefs in the modern era includes analysis of how pseudoscientific race theories produced the modern phenomena of anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism.

    Course ID: 55036
    Consent: No Special Consent Required
    Components: Lecture
    Attributes: Arts and Humanities (GEP), Culture (GEP), Arts and Humanities (GFR), Culture (GFR)

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