Sep 14, 2024  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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HIST 355 - Selected Topics in History

Topics to be announced each semester offered. This course is repeatable for credit. Recommended Preparation Any 100-level social science course, junior/senior status or permission of the instructor.

Course ID: 54680
Consent: No Special Consent Required
Components: Lecture
Topics: Top:Microcomp & History, Amer. And Their Environ, Top:Hist By The Numbers, Top:Modern Repub China, Top:Movies And Machines, America’s Codebreakers, Image Of Women In Film, Top:Technol/Work/Culture, Hist/Image Of Wmn In Flm, Top:Microcomptrs In Hist, Selected Topics In Hist, Top:Image Of Wom.In Film, The Crusades, Hist Of East Asian Relig, American Women And War, Famous American Trials, Topics In History, Top:Microcomp/Historians, Top:US & Ltn Am - 20Th C, Top: Hist Of Life Sci, Top: Hist By Numbers, The First World War, Rise Of American Jewry, Divine Right/Resistance, Blues,Jazz&Afro Amer Mig, Hist Of Amer Intelligenc, Top: Hist Of Terrorism, Top: Women In Film, Top:Hist Of Terrorism, Top: Hist Persp On Relig, The American Environment, Wenches, Wives & Witches, Hst East Asian Art, The Camera At War, Am Intelligence Rev-9/11, Top: Mid East Since 1914, U S In The Atomic Age, Intro To German Studies, Europe 1450-1650, Women In US Bus History, Slctd Tps In History, Native American History, Hist Asians In America, Native Americans, History fo Sexuality in America, 19Th Cent. American West, Wom & Gender US Bus Hist, US Middle East Relations, Top:Micro-Cmptrs/Histrns, Top:History Of Terrorism, Top:US/Latin Amer-20Th C, History By The Numbers, History By Numbers, The Greening Of America, Religious Influences, Before The Info Highway, Community & Values, World War I, Gender, Science & Tech, American Religious Hist, Korean Society Lit&Film, Sexuality In The West, Hist Of East Asian Art, Hst East Asian Religions, Hist Image Women In Film, European Women’s History, Constructing the Samurai, Islamic Culture & Society, 570-1560, Terror, Genocide & Human Rights, Modern American Cultural Histo, Major Issues in American Milit, Reading & Rewriting in the 20th Century, Activism/Digital Storytelling, Making of Modern Middle East, Human Rights, Race & Ethnicity in Amer Hist, Intro to Public History, Latin American History, U.S. Environmental History, U.S. and Empire, The Great Migration, Art and Power in Japan Since 1600, Latin Amer. Urban Hist. from Conquest to Cold War, Islamic Culture and Society, Modern Mexico, Entrepreneurs from Chris Columbus to Steve Jobs, Doing It: Case Studies West. Sexuality, Rebels & Revol. in Atlantic World, History of the West, Immigration and Public Health, Immigration and Oral History, Mexican Revolution, Early Modern Women’s Voice, History of Sports in Latin America, Art and Power in Japan, Digital History, Commemoration and History, Images of Science & Tech/Film, Women and Gender in Islam

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