Sep 14, 2024
MLL 370 - 19th Century Russian Literature and Society(3.00) A study of Russian literature of the 19th century in relation to the intellectual, political and social concerns of the time. Authors include Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Chekhov. Topics for discussion include class and rank, the role of women, the intelligentsia, socialism and religion, as well as the evolution of literary style. Readings and discussion in English, although students may choose to read works in the original Russian. Recommended Preparation: ENGL 100 and either a 200-level literature course or a Russian language course.
Course ID: 50187 Consent: No Special Consent Required Components: Lecture Attributes: Culture (GEP), Writing Intensive (GEP), Culture (GFR)
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