Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog Program: Pre-Medical Technology Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Pre-Medical Technology

Medical technologists assist in diagnosing and treating disease by applying scientific knowledge and skill to the supervision and accurate performance of complex laboratory, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Career opportunities exist for medical technologists in hospitals, private clinics, pharmaceutical research, government and industry.The professional curriculum usually includes courses in hematology, clinical chemistry, microbiology, immunology and immunohematology (blood banking).The pre-medical technology area of concentration usually involves only the first two years of study at UMBC. Students then will complete professional studies and a bachelor’s degree at another institution and will not receive a degree from UMBC.To complete the requirements for this program, students should obtain 76 credits at UMBC. The final two years then are devoted to clinical studies. Upon successful completion of the program, a student earns the B.S. degree and is eligible to take the national certification exam given by the American Society for Clinical Pathologists.The program description below meets the requirements for most nationally accredited medical technology programs. Students should become familiar with the requirements of the school(s) from which they finally wish to obtain the degree to plan a program that will best use the time spent at UMBC. The Office for Academic and Pre-Professional Advising can assist students interested in pursuing the pre-medical technology curriculum.

Medical Technology Requirements and UMBC Equivalent Courses


English (6)


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
ENGL 100-Composition (3.00)
  • one ENGL elective
  • Biology (23)


    Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    BIOL 141-Foundations of Biology: Cells, Energy and Organisms (4.00)
    BIOL 142-Foundations of Biology: Ecology and Evolution (4.00)
    BIOL 275-Microbiology (3.00)
    BIOL 275L-Microbiology Laboratory (2.00)
    BIOL 300L-Experimental Biology Laboratory (2.00)
    BIOL 302-Molecular and General Genetics (4.00)
  • one BIOL elective
  • Chemistry (15)


    Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    CHEM 101-Principles of Chemistry I (4.00)
    CHEM 102-Principles of Chemistry II (4.00)
    CHEM 102L-Introductory Chemistry Lab I (2.00)
    CHEM 351-Organic Chemistry I (3.00)
    CHEM 351L-Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (2.00)

    Mathematics/Statistics (8)


    Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    MATH 150-Precalculus Mathematics (4.00)
    STAT 121-Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences (4.00)

    Anatomy and Physiology (4)


    Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    BIOL 251-Human Anatomy and Physiology I (3.00)
    BIOL 251L-Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory (1.00)

    Social Sciences Electives (6)

    • Choose from Psychology, Sociology, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Anthropology, Social Work, History

    Arts and Humanities Elective (3)

    • Choose from Literature, Foreign Language, Art, History, Music, Mathematics, Philosophy, Fine Arts (no studio courses)

    Guided Elective (3)

    Select one from the following:

    Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    SPCH 100-Public Communication (3.00)
    CMSC 100-Introduction to Computer Science (3.00)

    Other Electives (8)

    • any discipline (no studio courses)

    Recommended courses:

    Select one of the sequences:

    Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
    CHEM 352-Organic Chemistry II (3.00)
    CHEM 352L-Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (2.00)


    PHYS 111-Basic Physics I (4.00)
    PHYS 112-Basic Physics II (4.00)

    Total: 76 Credits

