Feb 08, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Interdisciplinary Studies



Patricia La Noue

Interdisciplinary Studies Committee

Guenet Abraham
B.A., Warren Wilson College, 1980; M.F.A., Yale University, 1996

David M. Eisenmann
B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1985; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1992

Rachelle Epstein

Ian M. George
B.Sc., The University of Birmingham (U.K.), 1984; Ph.D., University of Leicester, 1988

Adam Gerber

Thomas Gindling
B.A., Denison University, 1981; M.A., Cornell University, 1986; Ph.D., 1987

Brian K. Grodsky
B.A., University of Colorado, 1996; M.A., University of Michigan, 2002; Ph.D., 2006

Margaret Holland
B.A., Middlebury College, 1999; M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2009

Antonio R. Moreira
B.S., University of Porto (Portugal), 1973; M.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1975; Ph.D., 1977

Timothy Oates
B.S., North Carolina State University, 1989; M.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1997; Ph.D., 2000

Holly Sneeringer
B.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1994; M.S., Towson University, 2002

Carolyn Tice
B.S.W., West Virginia University, 1973; M.S.W., Temple University, 1976; D.S.W., University of Pennsylvania, 1987

Assistant Director

Steven McAlpine

Program Advisor

Carrie Sauter

Administrative Assistant

Samirah Hassan

Adjunct Professor

Eric Montgomery

Jim Thomas

General Associate

Eric Brown

Jill Wrigley

Courses in this program are listed under INDS.

Interdisciplinary Studies welcomes students with diverse academic interests to explore the possibilities of bridging disciplines, widening perspectives, discovering connections and integrating knowledge. Interdisciplinary Studies is an innovative way for students to combine different fields of study into one unique major that does not duplicate a course of study currently offered by an existing academic department or program at UMBC.

Since 1969, Interdisciplinary Studies at UMBC has provided students the opportunity to complete a Bachelor’s degree by designing a course of study compatible with their specific educational and career goals. Individually designed majors are ideal for students who wish to be engaged in a collaborative academic environment and work closely with faculty and staff. Degree proposals must be developed with faculty guidance, facilitated and supported by the Interdisciplinary Studies advisors, and approved by the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee (ISC). The ISC is composed of faculty members from a variety of disciplines along with the Interdisciplinary Studies staff and two student representatives and is charged with approving Interdisciplinary Studies policy as well as ensuring the academic integrity of each self-designed degree proposal for status as a major.

Students are encouraged to declare Interdisciplinary Studies as a major in their freshman or sophomore year. The earlier students get involved with Interdisciplinary Studies, the more opportunities there are to explore ideas, share in Interdisciplinary Studies events and receive developmental advising as they examine their options. A completed degree proposal is not required to declare the major.

Titles of individually designed majors are included on the final transcript (e.g., Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies: Biomedical Ethics).

Sample Interdisciplinary Studies Degrees

  • Arabic and Middle Eastern Cultural Studies
  • Astrobiology
  • Bioethics
  • Community Arts
  • Community Health
  • Criminal Justice
  • Cultural Foundations in Holistic Health
  • Dance and Child Psychology
  • Educational Policy
  • Energy Management
  • Engineering Education
  • Evolution and Literary Theory
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Integrative Approaches to Sustainability
  • Integrative Health Care
  • International and Global Studies
  • International Security and Counter-Terrorism
  • Medieval Linguistics
  • Music Entrepreneurship
  • Music and World Culture
  • Neuroengineering
  • Neuroscience
  • Religious Studies and Counseling
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
  • Science Writing
  • Scientific Visualization
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Spatial Aspects of Emergency and Disaster Response
  • Studies in Medical Illustration
  • Technology and Ethics

Career and Academic Paths

Interdisciplinary Studies graduates are prepared to enter professional careers or pursue advanced training. Degree proposals are designed with an eye toward preparing students for their stated career goals. Recent graduates have embarked on careers with international aid organizations, the media, arts, environmental organizations, computer firms, allied health organizations, and government agencies. Others have pursued advanced training and completed doctorates in various disciplines. Interdisciplinary Studies alumni also include graduates of professional schools, including medical, divinity and law.

Academic Advising

Students are invited to the Interdisciplinary Studies office, Fine Arts 545, to meet with an academic advisor. The Program’s website, http://www.umbc.edu/inds/, is a resource to learn about current INDS students, faculty & staff, and alumni, program opportunities and requirements. Students can also download proposal forms, read sample learning objectives, and keep up with news and events. Developmental advising is comprehensive in Interdisciplinary Studies, and many students are guided to design an Interdisciplinary Studies major along with another major, minor or certificate. Interdisciplinary Studies advisors are available to discuss academic programs, course selection, internships, independent study, study abroad options and other areas of academic interest. Following the initial advising meeting, students will continue exploring options with their Interdisciplinary Studies advisor who will guide them through the proposal development process. In addition to working with an INDS advisor, students will obtain two faculty mentors from two disciplines strongly represented in their degree proposal. One of the mentors must have full-time faculty status at UMBC.

Departmental Honors

To graduate with Interdisciplinary Studies Honors, students must have a minimum 3.5 overall GPA and are required to take honors courses including INDS 330H - Ways of Knowing  or INDS 430H - Honors Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar , and INDS 490H - Interdisciplinary Studies: Capstone Project - Honors .

Internship Opportunities

Internships, INDS 410 , and independent studies , INDS 400 , are encouraged. Students arrange their own internships under the guidance of Interdisciplinary Studies advisors or with the Shriver Center. Interdisciplinary Studies majors have completed internships in such areas as law enforcement, business, government, health care, education, and the environment. Students are also encouraged to seek additional research and travel opportunities and, in some cases, may receive credit for INDS 400 - Interdisciplinary Studies: Independent Study .

Student Organizations

The Interdisciplinary Studies Council of Majors is open to students interested in an interdisciplinary approach to education. The Council, which meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, sponsors service, social and educational events throughout the year and provides an informal student network among Interdisciplinary Studies majors.

Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Design Process

  1. Students should visit www.umbc.edu/inds/ to view the video describing the program and read through sample degree proposals. The next step is to arrange a meeting with an interdisciplinary studies advisor to explore the advisability of the major. Students can contact the program at inds_info@umbc.edu.
  2. The degree proposal must be comprised of courses from at least two academic disciplines, but it cannot duplicate a course of study presently available within an existing academic department at UMBC.
  3. Students must have at least 60 credits but fewer than 90 and have a minimum 2.5 overall GPA to submit a degree proposal. Each proposal must be endorsed in writing by faculty advisors and approved by the Interdisciplinary Studies advisor before it can be submitted to the ISC.
  4. Students may complete requirements for either a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree.
  5. The degree proposal must consist of at least 42 credits of standard university course work at the 200 level and above; the majority of courses must be at the 300 and 400 levels. 100 level courses, although necessary prerequisites are not counted towards the major. A maximum of 12 transfer credits from another accredited institution may be included.
  6. Each Interdisciplinary Studies major is required to complete INDS 330 - Ways of Knowing , INDS 430 - Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar , INDS 480 - Interdisciplinary Studies:Capstone Project Seminar , and INDS 490 - Interdisciplinary Studies: Capstone Project .
  7. The Capstone Project, supervised by faculty advisors, must be completed in the senior year. The project may consist of a research paper, a video, an artistic endeavor exhibiting the culmination of a specific area of study or other work approved by the faculty mentors and the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee.
  8. A grade of “C” or better must be earned for each course listed on the degree plan. The grade of “pass” is acceptable if a course is offered only on a P/F basis.
  9. Any change in an approved degree plan must be requested in writing, approved by the student’s faculty mentors, the Interdisciplinary Studies advisor, and the Director of Interdisciplinary Studies.
  10. All university degree requirements, including the general education and upper-level course requirements will be reviewed with the Interdisciplinary Studies advisor while completing the degree proposal form before it is submitted to the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee. These courses, when appropriate, may be used toward the individualized major. Proposal forms are available in the Interdisciplinary Studies office and on the program’s web site, http://www.umbc.edu/inds/. All degree proposals are reviewed by the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee which determines what changes, if any, need to be made to strengthen the proposal before final approval.


    Interdisciplinary Studies