2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Political Science
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Brian K. Grodsy
Associate Chair
William Blake
Shady Grove Program Director
Sunil Dasgupta
Undergraduate Program Director
Cynthia Hody
Jeffrey Davis
B.A., University of Richmond, 1990; J.D., University of Georgia School of Law, 1994; Ph.D., Georgia State University, 2002
Carolyn Forestiere
B.A., College of William & Mary, 1993; M.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1997; Ph.D., Emory University, 2004
Brian K. Grodsky
B.A., University of Colorado, 1996; M.A., University of Michigan, 2002; Ph.D., 2006
Devin T. Hagerty
B.A., Rutgers University, 1984; M.A.L.D., Tufts University, 1987; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1995
Tyson King-Meadows
B.A., North Carolina Central University, 1992; M.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996; Ph.D., 2001
Roy T. Meyers
B.A., Colby College, 1976; M.A., University of Michigan, 1981; Ph.D., 1988
Thomas Schaller
B.A., State University of New York at Oswego, 1989; M.S., Florida State University, 1990; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1997
Associate Professor
Ian Anson
B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010; M.S., Indiana University Bloomington, 2014; Ph.D., 2015
William Blake
A.B., College of William & Mary, 2004; M.A., University of Texas at Austin, 2012; Ph.D., 2013
Felipe Filomeno
B.Sc., Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), 2003; M.Sc., 2006; M.A., Johns Hopkins University, 2009; Ph.D., 2012
Cynthia A. Hody
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles,1977; M.A., 1979; Ph.D., 1986
Laura Hussey
B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2000; M.P.M., University of Maryland, College Park, 2002; M.A., 2005; Ph.D., 2006
Lisa Pace Vetter
B.A., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1991; M.A., Fordham University, 1994; Ph.D., 2000
Assistant Professor
Eric Stoken
B.A., Wayne State University, 2005; M.A., 2007; Ph.D., George Washington University, 2016
Principal Lecturer
Brigid Starkey
B.A., State University of New York, College at Cortland, 1984; M.A., University of Wyoming, 1987; Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, 1991
Senior Lecturer
Sunil Dasgupta
B.Com., St. Xaviers College, University of Calcutta, 1989; A.M., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998; Ph.D., 2003
Professor Emeritus
Arthur T. Johnson
B.S.F.S., Georgetown University, 1966; M.A., Syracuse University, 1968; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo, 1975
George LaNoue
B.A. Hanover College, 1959; M.A., Yale University, 1961; Ph.D. 1966
Harold L. Levy
A.B., The University of Chicago, 1956; J.D., 1959; M.A., 1963; Ph.D., 1972
Cheryl Miller
B.A., Lincoln University, 1969; M.C.P., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1971; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1983
Research Professor
Nicholas R. Miller
B.A., Harvard University, 1963; M.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1964; Ph.D., 1973
Courses in this program are listed under POLI.
What is a political problem? Who governs, and what is the nature of power? How can justice be achieved in human society? When is a government legitimate, and what are its proper tasks? Such questions have fascinated men and women for centuries. Political science is the systematic attempt to answer them.
Political science is a liberal arts major that helps students to think more critically and coherently about political matters, to understand better what is going on in the world, to make reasoned value choices about contemporary political issues and to overcome personal alienation from political life.
In addition, a Political Science, B.A. prepares students for a variety of careers. The major in political science is a directed liberal arts program that is at once challenging, yet responsive to the individual student’s intellectual and career interests. Its required components cover both long-standing philosophical questions and contemporary social scientific knowledge about political life. Students are exposed to the breadth of the discipline through lower-level survey courses taught by experts in the various subfields that define political science. At the upper-level, students take more specialized courses and can, if they wish, concentrate in particular areas of the discipline.
Many options are available to students in the Department of Political Science: 1) In addition to its major, the department offers six minors and one certificate. These programs give students of all majors a solid foundation for careers or graduate study in areas such as government, law, politics, and international affairs; 2) The department runs a legal internship and an internship in policy, politics and administration. Each program annually places 15-20 students in internships with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, law firms, and state and federal legislative bodies. These internships give students valuable practical experience, professional contacts, and opportunities for self-discovery; 3) Students with special interests not adequately served by regular course offerings may do independent study projects under the supervision of a full-time faculty member; 4) Qualified students may enroll in the departmental honors program; and 5) Qualified students may take graduate courses offered by the Department of Public Policy.
Career and Academic Paths
Typical career options for political science graduates include: government service and diplomacy; politics; law; teaching; journalism; business; and work as lobbyists, public affairs officers and directors of non-profit institutions, interest groups and international organizations. UMBC political science students have gone on to such outstanding law and graduate schools as Yale, the University of Chicago, and Columbia University, as well as all of the Baltimore- and Washington-area schools. They have become judges, partners in law firms, executive officers of major corporations, and government administrators. Some have become foreign-service officers or have attained cabinet-level positions in state and local government. Others have become tenured faculty members and administrators at colleges and universities. Many political science majors go on to earn graduate or law degrees.
The Faculty
The political science faculty is committed to teaching as well as to research. Faculty members present papers at scholarly conferences throughout the nation, write books and publish articles in the best journals in the profession. But at the same time, faculty members are dedicated teachers. They teach all the courses within the department, from the introductory to the most advanced. They are evaluated and rewarded as much by the quality of their teaching as the quality of their scholarship.
Academic Advising
The Political Science and Prelaw advising office, in the Public Policy Building, room 357, offers a dedicated staff; access to graduate, law and professional school catalogs and information about internships available through the political science department and other institutions. Interested students should stop by the office or call 410-455-2063 for further assistance.
Political Science Double Majors
Political Science has no formal policy on counting courses for double majors. However, the department does have some informal norms that are followed. For example, there are at least three potential areas of double counting - gender and women’s studies, political theory minor, and the POLI methods requirement. On an ad hoc basis, similar cases for other departments are considered. However, in all cases, the student would still need to complete 36 political science credits (21 upper level and two 400 level), which would include the double counted courses. The double counted courses would not need to be taken under the POLI rubric.
Gender and women’s studies majors have two courses that could be considered for both majors: POLI 328 and POLI 338 .
For the political thought minor, we often accept classes from philosophy. The classes that are counted in this way are listed in the description of the political thought minor below.
With regard to the political science methods courses (POLI 300 and POLI 301 ), in a case where the second major has a methods requirement or course, a student might take that course instead of one of the POLI methods courses. Approval would need to be granted by the student’s political science adviser to make sure there is course equivalency. Sometimes, the department has also required STAT 121 in these cases.
Honors Program
An honors program is available for qualified majors. This program is especially recommended for students intending to go on to graduate or professional school or for those who wish to demonstrate specific skills and experience. Students interested in completing the honors program must have a 3.25 GPA overall and a 3.5 GPA in political science courses. Honors candidates also must write an honors thesis under the supervision of two faculty advisors. A complete description of the honors program and its requirements is available from the department office or Undergraduate Program Director.
Accelerated Bachelor’s and Master’s in Public Policy Program
The Political Science Department and the Public Policy Department cooperate in offering qualified students a joint program leading to both a B.A. in Political Science and a master’s degree in public policy. Students in the joint program can earn the two degrees with 145 credits in five or five and one half years. If pursued separately, the two degrees would require 160 credits and at least six years.
Students with a GPA of at least 3.3 may apply for admission into the program after completing 75 credits. During their senior year, provisionally admitted students can take graduate-level courses. Full admission into the graduate program will take place after the B.A. has been granted, provided satisfactory grades have been obtained. The Graduate Record Exam is usually waived for accelerated pathways public policy students.
Graduate-level POLI courses can count toward the 36 POLI credits required for the B.A. The graduate methods sequence can be used to satisfy the undergraduate methodology requirement. A complete description of the M.P.P. program may be found in the Graduate Catalog. Further information on the joint program is available from the Department of Public Policy.
Legal Studies/Pre-law Advisors:
Jeffrey Davis
The political science department offers a strong preparation for students interested in law school or employment in law-related areas that do not require law school (e.g., regulatory agencies, judicial administration, etc.). Courses on legal subjects also may be useful to political science students who have other goals and to students in history, economics, American studies, Africana studies and other majors. Several levels of courses exist. For students interested only in introductory course overviews in the legal area, the department offers POLI 230 and POLI 233 .
Student Organizations
The Political Science department has a Council of Majors, a Pre-law Society and a national honors society, Pi Sigma Alpha. Among other activities, these organizations foster opportunities for students to build informal relationships with faculty members, assist with departmental decision-making, host forums on graduate and law school, and network with other political science students and alumni. UMBC also sponsors a Model United Nations program whose members attend national conferences. The UMBC Model United Nations team regularly wins awards at these conferences.
Political Science Department Home Page
Students and others are encouraged to visit the department’s home page to learn more about political science faculty members and selected courses and to connect with a large number of politically relevant links to government and political data and career information. The department’s home page is www.umbc.edu/poli
ProgramsBachelor of ArtsCertificateNon-DegreeDepartmental HonorsCoursesPolitical Science- POLI 100 - American Government and Politics (3)
- POLI 100H - American Government and Politics - Honors (3)
- POLI 100Y - American Government and Politics (4)
- POLI 200 - Introduction to Political Science (3)
- POLI 205 - Civic Agency and Social Entrepreneurship (3)
- POLI 209 - Selected Topics in Political Science (1-3)
- POLI 210 - Political Theory (3)
- POLI 210H - Political Theory (3)
- POLI 220 - The Constitution and American Democracy (3)
- POLI 230 - Introduction to Constitutional Law (3)
- POLI 233 - Common Law and Legal Analysis (3)
- POLI 240 - State and Local Politics (3)
- POLI 250 - Introduction to Public Administration and Policy (3)
- POLI 260 - Comparative Politics (3)
- POLI 260Y - Comparative Politics (4)
- POLI 270 - Culture and Politics (3)
- POLI 280 - International Relations (3)
- POLI 280H - International Relations (3)
- POLI 281 - International Relations (w/ writing focus) (3)
- POLI 300 - Quantitative Analysis in Political Science (4)
- POLI 301 - Research Methods in Political Science (3)
- POLI 304 - Community Research (3)
- POLI 309 - Selected Topics in Political Science (3)
- POLI 310 - Political Theories of Democracy (3)
- POLI 315 - Political Theories of Justice (3)
- POLI 317 - American Political Development (3)
- POLI 318 - United States Constitutional History (3)
- POLI 319 - Selected Topics in Political Theory (1-6)
- POLI 320 - American Political Thought (3)
- POLI 321 - Public Opinions (3)
- POLI 323 - The Presidency (3)
- POLI 324 - The Congress (3)
- POLI 325 - Political Parties and Elections (3)
- POLI 326 - Media & Politics (3)
- POLI 327 - Interest Groups and Lobbyists (3)
- POLI 328 - Women, Gender, Sexuality, and Political Power in the U.S. (3)
- POLI 330 - Mock Trial (1)
- POLI 331 - Moot Court (1)
- POLI 334 - Judicial Process (3)
- POLI 337 - Comparative Justice (3)
- POLI 338 - Women, Gender, and Law (3)
- POLI 339 - Legal Advocacy (3)
- POLI 340 - Problem-Solving in the Urban Black Community (3)
- POLI 341 - Legislative Simulation (1)
- POLI 350 - The Policy-Making Process (3)
- POLI 352 - Administrative Law (3)
- POLI 353 - Governmental Budgeting and Financial Administration (3)
- POLI 354 - Public Management and Personnel Systems (3)
- POLI 360 - Comparative Political Analysis (3)
- POLI 361 - Comparative Political Analysis (3)
- POLI 371 - Comparative Asian Politics (3)
- POLI 372 - Transitioning States and Nations: Study Abroad in Poland (3)
- POLI 373 - Comparative Middle Eastern and North African Politics (3)
- POLI 374 - European Politics (3)
- POLI 377 - Latin American Politics (3)
- POLI 378 - Contemporary African Politics (3)
- POLI 379 - War and Film (3)
- POLI 380 - International Relations Theory (3)
- POLI 381 - International Relations of the Asia-Pacific Region (3)
- POLI 382 - Politics of Climate Change (3)
- POLI 383 - Global Citizenship (3)
- POLI 384 - International Organizations (3)
- POLI 384L - Model United Nations (1)
- POLI 385 - International Security (3)
- POLI 386 - The Politics of Development (3)
- POLI 387 - The Basics of Political Economy (3)
- POLI 388 - International Conflict and Cooperation (3)
- POLI 390 - American Foreign Policy (3)
- POLI 395 - National Security Policy of the United States (3)
- POLI 401 - Individual Study in Political Science (1-3)
- POLI 402 - Honors Research (1-3)
- POLI 403 - Research Internship (1-3)
- POLI 405 - Seminar in Political Science (1-3)
- POLI 406 - Seminar in Political Psychology (3)
- POLI 407 - Political Writing (3)
- POLI 409 - Selected Topics in Political Science (1-3)
- POLI 410 - Seminar in Political Theory (3)
- POLI 412 - Ethics and Public Policy (3)
- POLI 419 - Advanced Selected Topics in Political Theory (3)
- POLI 421 - Baseball, American Politics, and the Law (3)
- POLI 423 - Presidential Elections (3)
- POLI 425 - U.S. Campaigns and Elections (3)
- POLI 427 - African American Politics (3)
- POLI 429 - Selected Topics in American Government and Politics (3)
- POLI 430 - The Law of War (3)
- POLI 431 - Spies, Assassins, and Cyber-Warriors - Modern National Security Law (3)
- POLI 432 - Civil Rights (3)
- POLI 433 - First Amendment Freedoms (3)
- POLI 435 - Legal Reasoning (3)
- POLI 436 - Health Law (3)
- POLI 437 - International Human Rights Law (3)
- POLI 438 - Legal Internship (4)
- POLI 439 - Selected Topics in Public Law (3)
- POLI 440 - Urban Politics (3)
- POLI 442 - Intergovernmental Relations (3)
- POLI 443 - Urban Problems and Policy Analysis (3)
- POLI 445 - Law, Politics and American Educational Policy (3)
- POLI 446 - The Politics of Poverty and Social Welfare Policy (3)
- POLI 448 - Internship in Policy, Politics, and Administration (4)
- POLI 449 - Politics of Environmental Policy (3)
- POLI 450 - Seminar in Public Administration and Policy (3)
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