Degree Requirements
Each program option is centered on a common core of coursework offered through the emergency health services department; the options then diverge into the described specialty. In special cases, option requirements are combined to meet an individual’s need for such program design. Students must take a minimum of 30 credit hours of course and seminar work. Students in the preventive medicine track must complete a satisfactory research project either in seminar work or, in a more formal manner, through the thesis option. Non-thesis students must complete written comprehensive exams or a capstone project. With continuous full-time enrollment each semester, students may expect to complete the degree in about two years, depending upon the option chosen and course availability. A three-year time frame will be typical for many distance-education students.
Programs of Study
Track I - Administration, Planning and Policy (offered via distance education or on campus)
Track II - Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology (some courses are offered via distance or on campus, others are only available on campus)
Track III - Education (offered via distance education or on campus)