HIST 495 - Seminar in American History(3.00) Special topics course. Intensive study and discussion of the historical literature on a particular issue, problem or period of American history. Topic will be announced in advance by the instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
Course ID: 54760 Consent: No Special Consent Required Components: Lecture Topics: Public Hist/Public Cult, Sci In American Culture, Democracy In Early Amer, Cold War To War On Trrsm, US Sci Tech/Plcy Cld Wr, Slavery Western World, Intro To Public History, Coll:Pol/Admin History, Coll:Technology/Culture, Colloquium: Amer History, Orig Of US Envir Policy, Colloquiem:Amer Hist, American East Asian Rlts, Amer Cities In 20Th Cent, Colloq: Policy History, Practice In Public Hist, Cyberspace And New Media, U.S. China Relations, Cold War To Terror War, Coll:Professions In Amer, Colloq: Polit/Admin Hist, Colloquium: Amer Hist, Amer Hist Thru Biography, Pub History/Pub Culture, The US & E. Asia 20Th C., US And East Asia, Native Americans, Amer Women & Social Mov, Racial Poli Of Black Per, History,Science &Museums, Maryland In History, Relig/Rebel Early Amer, US And East Asia: 20Th C, Public Hist: Oral & Vid, Dutch Colonialism, Archival Administration, 20Th Cent U.S. Politics, Entering The Nuclear Age, Colloq:Stud Of Biography, Clqm: Amer Pol Institute, The Cold War, Cyperspace & New Media, Colloquium, Prac. In Public History, History Of Science&Tech., Oral History, US History & Environment, Progressive Era Reform, Readings In Amer Soc His, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Early Baltimore, Views From Public Hist, History Of Science, Social Justice in the New Nation, Constitutional History, Science, Technology, and Culture, Community History, Rebels & Revolutionaries in Atlantic World, Environment & Baltimore History, Modern American Culture, Asian American History, The Atlantic World, Activism/Digital Storytelling, Music in American History, Gender/Crime in Am Hist Memory, Slavery Abol. Eman. in the US, Civil Rights in America, US Science & Tech Since 1946, US Sci Tec Policy Since 1946, Rebels & Revolutionaries, Chocolate City: Race and Politics in Nation Cap., History and Memory: Nation as imag. landsc, Slavery & Freedom in Atlantic World, Adam Smith meets Uncle Sam: Bus/Econ Pol. Hist, 19th Century U.S., The U.S. in the World, The Arts in the Military, The US Through Foreign Eyes, Civil War in History & Memory, Capitalism, Digital History, Gender/Crime in American Hist Memory, Environmental History
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